Tired of feeling STUCK when it comes to growing your service business?


Break through the barriers that are holding you back with the support of a marketing coach who will tailor a 1:1 program specifically for you.



Do you ever feel like you’re doing a lot of things in your business…

...but at the same time, you’re standing still and not really moving forward?

Maybe you’re:

➔ Spending lots of time on things you think you *should* be doing to market your business, without really knowing if they’re helping you to grow

➔ Confused about who you should be targeting and what you should be offering, or how much you should be charging to meet your financial goals

➔ Saying yes to clients who aren’t the right fit for your business, or relying on referrals with no idea where your next client will come from

➔ Feeling completely overwhelmed and exhausted, and worried you’re never going to get your business to where you want it to be

If only you could know exactly what to focus on and in what order, so you can stop wasting time and start doing the things that will really grow your business.

Well the good news is, you can!

With an experienced Marketing Coach (AKA me) by your side, you can skip all the stress and overwhelm and get to where you want to be, sooner.

Hi, I’m Hayley Robertson.

Marketing Coach and Business Mentor for service-based small business owners who want to really GROW.

This may surprise you, but when I left my corporate career to start my own business in 2018, I didn’t have all the answers.

Even though I’d completed my MBA and worked in marketing for more than 15 years, there were still a lot of things I had to work out, like:

➔ Who my ideal client was and what they really needed
➔ What services I wanted to deliver and how to package my offers
➔ What systems and tools I needed to make things as streamlined as possible
And the big one: how was I going to turn all my skills and experience into a profitable and sustainable business?

I knew that without answers to these important questions, I wouldn’t have the foundations my business needed to grow. So, I got to work.

I invested strategically, created a marketing strategy and plan, and got support from people who were where I wanted to go (because coaches need coaches too!).

Since then, my business has gone from strength to strength. It’s supported my financial goals (even during the pandemic and an interstate move) and given me the freedom and flexibility to have the lifestyle I want – which is why I started my business in the first place!

And you know what? This is completely possible for you too.

The truth is, you don’t have to figure it all out by yourself...

With the right strategy and support, you CAN get the clarity and direction you need to attract your dream clients and build a business you love.

Imagine what your business (and life) would be like if you could go from:

➔ Feeling lost and confused, to knowing the exact steps you need to take to help your business grow

➔ Wondering where your next client is coming from, to being fully booked with a waitlist of clients who can’t wait to work with you

➔ Struggling to work out the best way to package your services, to having irresistible offers in place and confidently charging what you’re worth

➔ Burning yourself out doing ALL the things, to having systems set up that free up your time so you can do more of the things you want to do.

None of these things happen by magic – but they do happen when you have a solid marketing strategy and plan, and the support and accountability to get it DONE.

And the best news? That’s what you get when you work with me.

But, don't just take my word for it. Here's what my client Christina had to say...


"I got to work with Hayley a year ago, and in the year that has passed, and since implementing the strategies she has taught me, my business has taken off!

Sometimes I pinch myself because I actually can't believe how many customers have reached out - and all of them are exactly the kinds of customers I was looking to work with!

I struggled with this for three years before getting help and working with Hayley was worth every cent - I honestly wish I did it sooner because she started from the beginning with me and helped me bring to life the exact business I had envisioned for so many years. Thank you Hayley!"

Christina Tieppo | Career Coach - Career Mend




A personalised 1:1 marketing coaching program for service-based small business owners who want to stop feeling stuck and start gaining massive momentum in their business.



In this highly personalised coaching program...

I've taken everything I've learned from developing marketing strategies and plans for some of Australia’s largest service-based organisations, and from building my own successful business, and mapped out the exact steps you'll need to grow.

The Business Breakthrough marketing coaching program isn’t about working through modules or downloading some resources and then figuring out how all the pieces apply to your own business.

Instead, together we’ll create a marketing strategy and plan that’s completely tailored to you, so you can stop guessing and start DOING the things that will really grow your business.

We’ll tailor these 3 key steps to fit your business, so you'll come away with the marketing strategy, systems, and structure you'll need to grow sooner:


Get the clarity and direction you'll need to position yourself as an expert and create profitable services your dream clients will love.

Together, we’ll:
➔ Identify your dream business vision and what success looks like for you, and set goals to help you achieve it
➔ Discover your key points of difference and craft marketing messaging that sets you apart
➔ Get clear on your target market, conduct research, and design your service packaging and pricing
➔ Identify your financial goals and create your sales plan, so you can feel confident you’re building a sustainable and profitable business


With the right marketing systems and tools in place, you’ll avoid burnout, free up time, and set up your business to grow and scale.

Together, we’ll:
➔ Work out which tools and tech you need and then set them up to make things as easy and streamlined as possible
➔ Enhance your sales discovery call and client onboarding processes, so you can close sales with ease and create a great first impression with your clients
➔ Research SEO keywords, optimise your website for Google, and set up your online lead generation so you can grow your email list on autopilot
➔ Design your content creation system so you can show up consistently and create content easily and efficiently (without spending all your time on social media!)


A structured sales and marketing plan will enable you to consistently show up in front of your dream clients and generate the client leads and enquiries you need to make more sales.

Together, we’ll:
➔ Design and plan your offers, promotions, campaigns and marketing assets to help you get visible and generate qualified leads
➔ Create presentations, webinars, launches or events where you can build relationships and present your sales pitch
➔ Map out and structure your sales process and discovery call script, so you'll have more clients saying ‘YES!’
➔ Implement a process for collecting referrals, testimonials and social proof to build your authority and credibility

"I think everyone in business should do the Business Breakthrough program.

Hayley is so knowledgeable and patient - she really listens to your ideas and works closely with you to achieve your goals.

This program has given me ongoing tools to market and understand the backend of small business - best thing I ever did for my business."

Couldn’t recommend Hayley highly enough.

Emma Lewis | Naturopath - Holistic Midwifery Australia

Ready to invest in your business’s success?

There are two levels of coaching to choose from over 6 months:

Business Breakthrough Marketing Coaching Program

Business Breakthrough


Or Pay via a Payment Plan: 6 x monthly instalments of $625 AUD (total $3,750)

  • A 45-minute Assessment Call which happens before the first coaching session. I want to get to know you, your business, and your goals before we begin.
  • 8 x 45-minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions, held every 2-3 weeks over 6 months. These sessions are tailored to your coaching needs and are designed to provide you with more clarity, direction, and confidence to market and grow your business.
  • A Marketing Strategy and Plan which will provide you with the actionable steps you need to take to achieve your marketing and business goals.
  • Unlimited Email Support which means you're never left to figure things out on your own. You'll have full access to email me with any questions or for feedback between sessions.
  • Access to my Marketing Toolkit, that contains training, resources, and guides to save you time and help you market with ease.
Business Breakthrough VIP Marketing Coaching Program

VIP Business Breakthrough


Or Pay via a Payment Plan: 6 x monthly instalments of $825 AUD (total $4,950)

  • A 45-minute Assessment Call which happens before the first coaching session. I want to get to know you, your business, and your goals before we begin.
  • 12 x 45-minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions, held every 2 weeks over 6 months. These sessions are tailored to your coaching needs and are designed to provide you with more clarity, direction, and confidence to market and grow your business.
  • A Marketing Strategy and Plan which will provide you with the actionable steps you need to take to achieve your marketing and business goals.
  • Unlimited Email Support which means you're never left to figure things out on your own. You'll have full access to email me with any questions or for feedback between sessions.
  • Access to my Marketing Toolkit, that contains training, resources, and guides to save you time and help you market with ease.

But that's not all... Get a BONUS 6 or 12 Months of Access inside the My Client Strategy Academy Community.

The Academy is an online community designed exclusively for coaches, consultants, and service-based business owners who are ready to master their marketing plan, show up confidently, and invest their time, effort, and energy into activities that will actually work.

When you choose the Business Breakthrough program, you get 6 months of access (valued at $245 ). Alternatively, you can choose VIP Business Breakthrough coaching and get 12 months of access (valued at $490).

To find out more and see if we’re a good fit:


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Signing up for Hayley’s coaching program has been the best investment I have made in my business so far. I knew I needed to increase my client base, but I just didn’t know where to start! It all seemed overwhelming and confusing. But Hayley helped me develop a clear and easy-to-follow marketing strategy just for my practice. And in just 6 months, I doubled my client base. I also had a dream to write, develop and deliver an online course, and Hayley helped my dream become a reality!”
Honni Hayton | Counselling for Women



Want to know more about what it’s like working with me as your Marketing Coach?

I’m an MBA-qualified Marketing Coach and Business Mentor. I coach service-based business owners like you to overcome the marketing overwhelm and complexity so you can grow your business faster and with ease.

I believe marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s simply about:
➔ identifying what you need to focus on most in your business to achieve the results you want, and then
➔ breaking it down into simple and easy-to-follow steps so you can get to where you want to be sooner.

It’s the same approach I used when I developed marketing strategies and plans for some of Australia’s largest service-based organisations – and what I used to build my own successful business when I quit my corporate career in 2018.

But my journey from corporate life to solo business owner hasn’t all been smooth sailing.

I know firsthand how overwhelming and lonely it can feel when you’re trying to grow your business by yourself – and how frustrating it is when you feel like you’re spinning around in circles and unsure how to move forward.

That’s why when you work 1:1 with me, you don’t just get a personalised marketing strategy and plan.

You also get a marketing coach who’s completely invested in your success and is there to support you in whatever way you feel you need it most.

You’ll experience the relief that comes from having someone to help you sort through your ideas – and the confidence that comes from knowing you’re working on exactly the right things to grow your business.

And you’ll experience a fantastic sense of achievement when you start hitting your goals and gaining massive momentum in your business!⁠

Ready to get started?


I highly recommend working with Hayley!

When I began working with Hayley, I wasn't sure what I needed apart from some direction. After our sessions were completed, I walked away with a huge amount of knowledge; a plan to move forward with marketing; an improved website; and beautiful marketing documents.

I couldn't have achieved this in years working on my own, but with Hayley's guidance I achieved it in just a few months.”
Keryn Batsilas | Financial Planner



Frequently Asked Questions

1What will you coach me on during our sessions?
Your marketing coaching sessions can be tailored to whatever you’d like to focus on most. Or, if you're not sure where to start, I can recommend which areas to focus on for the stage of business you’re at.

The types of marketing activities I can coach you on include:

● Creating a personalised marketing strategy and plan

● Selecting your niche, researching your target market, and designing your packaging and pricing

● Developing a content marketing strategy including blogs, social media, SEO-friendly websites and email marketing

● Designing irresistible lead magnets, landing pages, and strategies to grow your email list

● Facebook and Instagram advertising

● Setting up sales pages, email marketing automation tools, and creating your email sales funnels

● Optimising your website and choosing SEO keywords

● Measuring, reporting, and improving your marketing performance

● Marketing campaigns, webinars, challenges, and activities to generate leads and close sales

I’ll also give you all my recommendations and tips on marketing systems and processes to improve your productivity and efficiency.
2How do I know if we’re going to be a good fit?
Hiring a business coach is an important decision and one I know you want to get right. That's why I provide a free, no-obligation 30-minute discovery call where you can chat to me via Zoom or by phone to find out if we're a good fit to work together. This is an opportunity to ask me any questions you have, so you have all the information you need to make a well-informed decision.
3What are your qualifications as a marketing expert?
I'm an MBA-qualified small business marketing coach with more than 15 years of experience at some of Australia's largest service-based organisations. So, I've seen a lot of what works, as well as what doesn't. I've invested tens of thousands of dollars in my education and continue to do so today. My qualifications include a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Macquarie Graduate School of Management and a Bachelor of Management (Marketing) from the University of South Australia. As well as starting and growing my own small business, I've run successful marketing campaigns and promotions; launched new websites; written SEO-friendly blogs, copy, and content marketing; and designed and implemented numerous marketing strategies and plans for service-based businesses.
4Do you have more testimonials I can look at?
Yes, you can see what others have said about working with me here.
5How are coaching calls scheduled?
Coaching calls are scheduled online and conducted via Zoom. During your first Assessment Call, we’ll discuss what your coaching schedule will look like and agree on times and days that suit. I understand running a business can sometimes be unpredictable, so if something comes up, all I ask is that you provide 24 hours notice to reschedule your coaching call. Your call can be rescheduled at any time during the 6-month coaching period.
6Can I contact you between coaching calls if I get stuck?
Yes! You’ll have personal email support during the 6-month coaching period to ask any questions you have. I’ll reply to these on business days as soon as I can and within 24 hours.
7How are payments and refunds handled?
Your 1:1 coaching can be paid upfront in advance (where you'll save $150) or via a payment plan. If you choose to make an upfront payment, this can either be paid via credit card or direct debit on an invoice. For programs paid in advance, refund requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and will be granted at the discretion of My Client Strategy. If you choose a payment plan, you’ll be required to make payment via credit card and your credit card will be debited in 6 equal monthly instalments. You can cancel your program payment plan at any time by emailing us at support@myclientstrategy.com. However, we don’t provide refunds for payments already made unless required by the Australian Consumer Law. Coaching will be suspended in the event a payment fails.