write an effective marketing message
Marketing Strategy, Sales Process, Service Design

7 Things an effective marketing message must have

Crafting a compelling marketing message is crucial for attracting and retaining clients. However, it’s possibly the one thing my clients struggle with the most. I know firsthand how challenging it
LinkedIn Marketing Strategy Guide
Content Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Online Marketing

The Ultimate LinkedIn Marketing Guide for Service Businesses

In today’s digital landscape, an effective LinkedIn marketing strategy is essential for service-based professionals and businesses. With millions of users, it offers a unique opportunity for service-based businesses to connect
what to include on a service website homepage
Content Marketing, Online Marketing, Starting a Business

What to include on a website homepage for a service business

Creating an effective website homepage design and structure is crucial for any service business. It’s often the first impression potential clients have of your small business, making it essential to
what successful businesses do to attract consistent clients
Lead Generation, Marketing Strategy, Sales Process

3 Things successful businesses do to find consistent clients

If you’re a coach, or consultant, or run a service-based business, you’re well aware that attracting consistent clients isn’t just about luck. It’s about creating compelling marketing that converts your
marketing activities worth investing in
Marketing Planning, Marketing Tools, Starting a Business

5 Marketing activities that are worth the time and effort

Does even the thought of marketing your service business leave you feeling exhausted? Or are you tired of investing time, energy, and effort in your marketing activities only to feel
How to figure out what type of marketing to do
Lead Generation, Marketing Strategy, Starting a Business

5 Ways to figure out what type of marketing you should do

Have you ever jumped from one activity to the next because you’re unsure what type of marketing you should be doing? Maybe you tried a particular activity that failed, so
How to grow your service business faster
Lead Generation, Service Design, Starting a Business

5 Simple ways to grow your service business faster

If you’re a new business owner who’s finding it hard to grow your service business… Or, if you’ve been at it for a while, but your service business isn’t growing
boost your email list building success
Lead Generation, Online Marketing, Starting a Business

5 Quick fixes to boost your email list building success

When it comes to email list building, you’ve likely heard advice such as… Quiz lead magnets work the best… sign up for a quiz-building tool to grow your email list
Monetise your skills
Marketing Strategy, Service Design, Starting a Business

10 Ways to monetise your skills and sell your expertise

Are you finding it hard to monetise your skills, knowledge, and experience so you can create a profitable and sustainable service-based business? Or are you starting to second-guess or doubt
what stops you from getting clients
Lead Generation, Marketing Strategy, Starting a Business

3 Marketing mistakes that stop you from getting clients

As a service-based small business owner, you understand the importance of getting clients. However, despite your best lead generation efforts, you may be struggling to get the results you’ve been
Get clear and confident about your niche
Lead Generation, Marketing Strategy, Starting a Business

How to get clarity and confidence about your niche

Are you finding it hard to define and get clarity about your niche? Maybe you’re worried you haven’t chosen the right niche for your service business. Or perhaps you’re feeling
market research questions to ask when researching clients
Marketing Strategy, Service Design, Starting a Business

3 Essential research questions every service business should ask

Are you struggling to make sales in your service business? And tired of wasting time launching new services and offers that your clients aren’t seeing value in or are willing
Ways to get to know your dream clients for your service business
Lead Generation, Marketing Strategy, Starting a Business

5 Ways to get to know your dream clients for your service business

As a service-based business owner, understanding and getting to know your dream clients is critical to the success of your marketing plan. However, it’s not enough to just have a
attract the right clients to your service business
Lead Generation, Marketing Strategy, Service Design

The secret to attracting the right clients to your service business

Ever wonder why some people successfully attract the right clients to their service businesses? And when I say right clients, I mean the type of clients who see value in
marketing activities to do when your service business is quiet
Lead Generation, Marketing Strategy, Sales Process

5 Marketing activities to stay visible during quiet times

Have you recently pulled back on your marketing activities because it feels like things are quiet in your small business? Maybe it’s a seasonal effect with less demand for your
find clients without social media
Lead Generation, Sales Process, Starting a Business

10 Simple ways to find clients without using social media

Want to find and work with more of your ideal clients? Maybe your business is brand-new, and you’re still looking to build your client list. Or perhaps you’re wanting to
How to increase brand awareness for a service business
Lead Generation, Marketing Strategy, Starting a Business

7 Ways to increase brand awareness for your service business

Are you looking for ways to increase brand awareness for your service business? Maybe your business is brand-new, and few people have heard of you or your brand. Or perhaps
sell your expertise and start a business
Marketing Planning, Marketing Strategy, Starting a Business

How to sell your expertise and turn your skills into a business

How many times have you thought to yourself, “I’d love to start a business online and sell my expertise, but I’m just not sure where to start”? And I don’t
Lead Generation, Marketing Planning, Sales Process

5 Signs your marketing plan won’t get you the results you want

If your marketing isn’t working as well as you’d hoped, then it can be a sign that you need to improve your marketing plan. Usually, it doesn’t mean you need
setting sales targets for a service business
Marketing Planning, Marketing Strategy, Starting a Business

Why setting sales targets is important (And how to do it)

When creating a marketing strategy and plan – so you can attract consistent clients and grow – I want you to know that it’s super important to set sales targets.
how to generate leads and enquiries for a service business
Lead Generation, Sales Process

The secret to generating high-quality leads and enquiries

Ever wonder why some people are so successful at generating leads and enquiries? And not just any leads and enquiries! I’m talking about the high-quality client leads and sales enquiries
why you feel stuck when it comes to marketing
Marketing Planning, Marketing Strategy, Starting a Business

5 Reasons why you feel stuck when marketing a service business

Feeling stuck when it comes to marketing your service business? And not sure where to start, so you can get unstuck and moving forwards again? Or what steps you should
service-based bonus offer
Lead Generation, Sales Process, Service Design

10 Ways to add a service-based bonus offer to drive sales

Are you struggling to make enough sales in your service business? Or are you not sure where to start when it comes to building a sales promotion and adding a
boost your sales and marketing confidence
Lead Generation, Sales Process, Starting a Business

7 Tips to boost your marketing confidence and make more sales

How often have you thought, “I’m just not good at marketing”? And I don’t blame you… Because putting yourself out there and marketing your business can be challenging, especially when
How to generate sales leads
Lead Generation, Sales Process, Starting a Business

How to generate sales leads without using social media

Are you looking for other ways to generate sales leads without social media? Maybe you’re not enjoying spending time on the platforms. Or perhaps you’re feeling disappointed about the results
why you are not booking discovery calls
Lead Generation, Sales Process, Starting a Business

5 Reasons why you’re not booking more discovery calls

Are you struggling when it comes to booking more discovery calls? Even though you feel like you’ve tried almost every marketing strategy out there. Well, you’re not alone! I can
Communicating a price increase to your clients
Marketing Strategy, Sales Process, Service Design

5 Tips for communicating a price increase to your clients

Are you wanting to implement a price increase but not sure how to tell your clients? Perhaps you’re struggling to find the right words… Or maybe asking for more money
5 Things every small business marketing plan must have
Marketing Planning, Marketing Strategy, Starting a Business

5 Things every small business marketing plan must have

Not sure where to start when it comes to writing a small business marketing plan for your coaching, consulting, or professional service business? Or what you should include so that
How to create a content calendar for your service business
Content Marketing, Marketing Planning, Online Marketing

How to create a content calendar for your service business

So, what is a content calendar, and how do you create one that’s effective for a service business? A content calendar is a strategic schedule of the marketing content you
5 Things you must have to create consistent income
Lead Generation, Marketing Strategy, Starting a Business

5 Things you must have to create consistent income in your service business

This may surprise you, but I found it hard to create consistent income when I first started my business. Especially in that first year after I quit corporate life. Looking
bright shiny objects
Marketing Planning, Sales Process, Starting a Business

How bright shiny objects lead to inconsistent sales

If you’re a service-based small business owner, you’ve likely been distracted by “bright shiny objects” ⁠⁠at some stage. Maybe it was when you had a great new idea to launch
sales copy tips for a sales page that converts
Lead Generation, Sales Process, Service Design

3 Sales copy tips for creating a sales page that converts

Are you struggling to write sales copy that generates enquiries from your website? Or perhaps you’re generating the wrong type of enquiries from clients who aren’t a good fit or
defining a target market for a service business
Marketing Planning, Marketing Strategy, Starting a Business

5 Tips for defining a target market for your service business

Are you finding it difficult when it comes to defining a target market for your service business? Maybe you’re not sure how to narrow down your audience into a more
how to plan a marketing campaign
Lead Generation, Marketing Planning

5 Simple steps to successfully plan a marketing campaign

Not sure where to start or how to plan a marketing campaign? Or did the poor results from your last marketing campaign leave you feeling a little deflated? Designing and
how to save time and work on your business
Marketing Strategy, Starting a Business

5 Ways to free up time so you can work on your business

How many times have you thought to yourself, “I just can’t find the time to work ON my business”? And I don’t blame you… Because finding the time to work
start an online coaching business
Online Marketing, Starting a Business

How to start an online coaching or consulting business

Are you an experienced service professional who’s ready to start an online coaching business? Or sell your consulting services online? But… you’re also not sure where to start? Or, what
marketing metrics for service businesses
Lead Generation, Marketing Planning, Marketing Strategy

7 Marketing metrics every service business should track

Do you ever get confused when it comes to tracking your marketing metrics? Or have you been quickly overwhelmed when you realised just how many different marketing metrics there are
why your lead magnet isn’t working
Lead Generation, Online Marketing

7 Reasons why your lead magnet isn’t working (and how to fix it)

Are you struggling to get people to download your email opt-in or lead magnet? Or is your lead magnet attracting the wrong type of clients (who you don’t really want
starting a business
Marketing Planning, Starting a Business

15 Lessons from quitting corporate life and starting a business

In 2018, I quit my corporate job and started my online coaching business, My Client Strategy. And, I wanted to share with you some of the lessons I’ve learned from
develop a marketing strategy and plan
Marketing Planning, Marketing Strategy

7 Signs it’s time to develop a marketing strategy and plan

Are you wondering whether it’s the right time for you to develop a marketing strategy and plan for your service business? Maybe you’re tired of working with the wrong clients
marketing systems to grow your service business
Lead Generation, Marketing Strategy

5 Marketing systems all service businesses need to grow

Marketing your service business is not a once-off task. Yet, I see so many people marketing their service businesses with once-off campaigns and promotional activities they never run again. This
lead generation process to attract dream clients
Lead Generation, Marketing Planning, Sales Process

3 Reasons why your lead generation process is not working

When I first started my online coaching business, I struggled with my lead generation process. I was working away at my desk each day, but no matter what I tried,
social media post ideas to sell your signature program
Content Marketing, Lead Generation

7 Social Media Post Ideas to Sell your Signature Program

Are you short on social media post ideas when it comes to selling your signature program? Or are you worried that if you promote your signature program on social media
how to write a content marketing plan
Content Marketing, Marketing Planning

How to write a content marketing plan for a service business

So, what is a content marketing plan? And how do you write one that’s effective in helping you to attract your dream clients? Well, a content marketing plan is a
why your email list is not growing
Lead Generation, Marketing Strategy

Why your email list is not growing. (And 10 ways to fix it)

Want to grow your email list but not sure where to start? Or are you unsure why your email list is not growing as fast as you would like it
attract your ideal clients
Lead Generation, Marketing Strategy, Sales Process

3 reasons why you are not attracting your ideal clients

Are you struggling to attract your ideal clients? Even though you feel like you’ve tried just about everything when it comes to marketing? Well, you’re not alone! I can tell
ways to save time on marketing your service business
Marketing Strategy, Marketing Tools

3 Simple ways to save time on marketing your business

What if I told you I know THREE super simple ways for you to save time on marketing your service business (so you can enjoy the freedom and flexibility you’re
email list building strategies
Lead Generation, Marketing Strategy

How to create an email list building strategy that works

I don’t know about you, but I thought it looked easy to create an email list building strategy when I first started my business. I just needed to choose an
How to write a marketing strategy
Lead Generation, Marketing Strategy

How to write a marketing strategy to attract your dream clients

Are you attracting the wrong type of clients to your service business? You know, the ones that you don’t really enjoy working with… Or those who just end up saying
growing your service business
Marketing Planning, Marketing Strategy

3 Mistakes that stop you from growing your service business

When it comes to growing your service business, you’ve likely heard advice such as… It would be best to grow your audience… create a lead magnet and build your email