write an effective marketing message
Marketing Strategy, Sales Process, Service Design

7 Things an effective marketing message must have

Crafting a compelling marketing message is crucial for attracting and retaining clients. However, it’s possibly the one thing my clients struggle with the most. I know firsthand how challenging it
How to grow your service business faster
Lead Generation, Service Design, Starting a Business

5 Simple ways to grow your service business faster

If you’re a new business owner who’s finding it hard to grow your service business… Or, if you’ve been at it for a while, but your service business isn’t growing
Monetise your skills
Marketing Strategy, Service Design, Starting a Business

10 Ways to monetise your skills and sell your expertise

Are you finding it hard to monetise your skills, knowledge, and experience so you can create a profitable and sustainable service-based business? Or are you starting to second-guess or doubt
market research questions to ask when researching clients
Marketing Strategy, Service Design, Starting a Business

3 Essential research questions every service business should ask

Are you struggling to make sales in your service business? And tired of wasting time launching new services and offers that your clients aren’t seeing value in or are willing
attract the right clients to your service business
Lead Generation, Marketing Strategy, Service Design

The secret to attracting the right clients to your service business

Ever wonder why some people successfully attract the right clients to their service businesses? And when I say right clients, I mean the type of clients who see value in
service-based bonus offer
Lead Generation, Sales Process, Service Design

10 Ways to add a service-based bonus offer to drive sales

Are you struggling to make enough sales in your service business? Or are you not sure where to start when it comes to building a sales promotion and adding a
Communicating a price increase to your clients
Marketing Strategy, Sales Process, Service Design

5 Tips for communicating a price increase to your clients

Are you wanting to implement a price increase but not sure how to tell your clients? Perhaps you’re struggling to find the right words… Or maybe asking for more money
sales copy tips for a sales page that converts
Lead Generation, Sales Process, Service Design

3 Sales copy tips for creating a sales page that converts

Are you struggling to write sales copy that generates enquiries from your website? Or perhaps you’re generating the wrong type of enquiries from clients who aren’t a good fit or
Identify target market
Marketing Strategy, Service Design, Starting a Business

5 Ways to identify a target market for your service business

Are you wanting to identify a target market for your service business, but not sure where to start? Or do you keep changing your mind and flip-flopping from one type