Tired of feeling LOST when it comes to finding clients for your new business?


With the 1:1 support of a business mentor for women, you’ll unlock the secret to attracting clients and accelerating your new business growth.




Do you ever feel like you're doing the same thing that everyone else seems to be doing but not getting the same results?

Or feel like you’re missing something or perhaps just not good at marketing?

Maybe you’re:

Spending lots of time posting on social media, but not getting any comments, enquiries, or sales from your followers

Trying to put together and launch a website, without really knowing if you’ve included the right images and content

Going to networking events and showing up in Facebook groups, but not seeing any financial return on the time you’ve invested

Feeling completely overwhelmed and lost, and worried you’re just throwing more time and money at things that aren’t going to work

If only you knew what you were missing or needed to change so you could stop wasting time and start doing the things that would help you find clients.

Well, the good news is, you can!

With an experienced Business Mentor for women (AKA me) by your side, you can skip all the frustration and start focusing on the things that will actually make a difference.

Hi, I’m Hayley Robertson

Marketing Coach and Business Mentor for new female coaches, consultants, and service-based businesses

When I left corporate life in 2018, my business wasn't all set up and ready to go. I hadn’t launched a website or worked out what services to sell.

And, I didn't know exactly where I would find my first clients, but I took the leap and did it anyway!

On reflection…

I wasted A LOT of time focusing on too many of the wrong things, such as:

getting distracted by bright shiny objects, the latest social media trends, and website tweaks

piecing together all the free information I could find online and then spending hours trying to fill in the missing bits on my own

paying for online ads and promotions without really knowing if they were working or not

trying to replicate other people's success instead of believing in myself

Maybe you can relate?

Thankfully, it didn’t take long to realise that I was missing the one thing I really needed – a solid sales and marketing strategy!

And once I realised how to turn things around (and avoid having to go back to corporate life)… everything just started to click, and within a few short weeks, I was working with my first clients.

Since then, my business has grown and given me the freedom and flexibility to have the lifestyle I want – which is why I started my business in the first place.

And you know what? 

When you have a solid sales and marketing strategy to help you attract clients… It's completely possible for you too!

The truth is, it doesn't need to take forever to find clients...

With the right strategy and support, you can stop feeling so unproductive and start moving forward sooner with clarity, confidence, and motivation to grow.

Imagine what your business (and life) would be like if you could go from:

➔ Endless scrolling on Instagram or Facebook, to knowing the exact steps you need to take to attract clients and make sales beyond social media

➔ Having a website that no one knows about, to getting discovered by your ideal clients via the powerful Google search engine

➔ Drowning in a sea of competition, to having a stand-out message that cuts through and deeply resonates with your audience

➔ Wasting time and money on activities that aren’t working, to having a strategic plan for where to invest your finite time and resources to secure clients.

None of these things happen by magic – but they do happen when you have a solid sales and marketing strategy, and the support and accountability you need to eliminate the resistance you're feeling and get the work DONE.

And the best news? That’s what you get when you work with me.


But don't take my word for it.

Here's what my client, Sofia had to say:

'Find Your First Clients' is so valuable for anyone starting a business. 

I was initially drawn to Hayley’s natural style and the way she teaches, and her spot-on advice resonated with me, especially as someone who felt lost in marketing. 

I gained much-needed clarity and direction, helping me overcome procrastination to finally launch my website. I also appreciated the emphasis on manageable steps and clear guidance, which made the process less overwhelming. 

I’ve been able to enhance my messaging strategy, gained clarity on my target market, and discovered alternative client acquisition methods beyond social media, which was refreshing.

The results have been amazing—I've already had discovery calls and enquiries, with one client finding me through a Google search. 

Looking back, I wish I had enrolled sooner. Now that I have clarity, focus, and a sense of direction, I feel more productive and optimistic about my business's future.

I wholeheartedly recommend the 'Find Your First Clients' program to anyone seeking to turn their entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

~ Sofia Da Silva, Medical Intuitive and Spiritual Coach



A 12-week personalised 1:1 marketing coaching program for new female business owners who want to stand out, find their first clients, and start making money in their service business.



In this highly personalised coaching program...

You’ll be guided step-by-step through my Foundations First Framework to develop a solid sales and marketing strategy, so you can stop spinning around in circles and gain the clarity you need to stand out, find your first clients, and make money in your service business - even if you don't feel ready for clients yet.

You'll get lifetime access to my 5 online learning modules, digital workbook, templates, and guides. However, you won’t be left to figure out how to attract your first clients and make sales on your own.

Instead, I’ll be right there to support you in creating a sales and marketing strategy that’s completely tailored to you, so you can stop guessing and start doing the things that will help you build your dream business sooner.

Here's the 5-Module Foundations First Framework we’ll cover together:

NICHE: Choose and Validate your Niche

  • We'll analyse the total market opportunities for your service business so you don't miss any potential prospects;
  • I'll help you narrow it down to a viable target market or niche that aligns with your expertise so you can put an end to self-doubt and indecision;
  • We'll follow a straightforward way to validate your selected niche so you know you're on the right path to attract the dream clients you’d love to work with;
  • You'll learn how to identify, profile, and describe your ideal clients on a deeper level so you'll be able to create more effective connections to drive business growth.

SERVICES: Get Clarity About Your Service Offers

  • We'll explore three business models service businesses commonly use and select the one that perfectly aligns with your vision and goals;
  • You'll learn what to include in your service offerings that will not only boost your confidence but also make them irresistible to your ideal clients;
  • I'll show you how to highlight the value you bring and make your services more tangible so you can start bringing money into your business sooner;
  • We'll cover 3 essential questions to consider when it comes to your pricing and payment options to ensure you're maximising your revenue and profits.

MESSAGING: Craft Messaging That Stands Out

  • I'll share the two types of marketing messaging you'll need to effectively cut through the noise and ensure you're no longer invisible to your ideal clients;
  • You'll gain clarity about your overarching brand messaging so you can confidently communicate what you do, whom you help, and your unique value (which is how your services are better or different to your competitors);
  • You'll learn how to find the right words to describe your service offerings so you can effectively differentiate yourself from your competition and stand out (which is the key to making sales).

SALES PROCESS: Map Your Pathway To Converting More Leads

  • We'll explore the 4-stage buyer journey your ideal clients will follow and understand how to design and tailor your sales process at each stage to maximise success;
  • You'll streamline your sales and discovery call process, so you can better qualify your leads before inviting them to a sales call. (Say goodbye to awkward calls with clients who aren't a good fit, and hello to more meaningful conversations!);
  • We'll develop your sales discovery call script to maximise your sales conversions, so you can hear fewer rejections and more clients saying YES to working with you.

CLIENT ONBOARDING: Save Time And Welcome Clients With Ease

  • You'll unlock the secret to developing a confident and authentic sales process so you can eliminate your nerves and supercharge your sales confidence;
  • I'll help you conquer any negative or limiting sales beliefs you may have, so you can avoid feeling too pushy or salesy and build trusted relationships with clients;
  • I'll share with you how to design a smooth transition from prospect to client, to make a great first impression;
  • You'll save time with my comprehensive list of client onboarding assets, materials, systems, and tools that you'll need to make the process of onboarding clients and closing sales easier.

Hayley is extremely generous with her knowledge and expertise, always willing to share her amazing resources to help you go further in your own business.

I was tired of going it alone and trying to figure it all out. Hayley was amazing. She provided such clear guidance, support, and resources each step of the way to guide me through my marketing strategy. 

I've learned that when things don't necessarily work the first time, it doesn't mean failure—it means trying another approach! Hayley has taught me how to look at things differently, ask the right questions, and try new things.

This has resulted in me showing up more confidently in my business, and I've seen such a shift in sales already. Thank you so much, Hayley!

~ Jamal Abilmona, Course Strategist and Kajabi Specialist

Ready to invest in building your dream business?

There are two options to choose from for the Find Your First Clients Program...

Choose the length of support that best suits you to find your first clients - and attract consistent clients after that!

Find Your First Clients Program_Business Mentoring for Women

12-Week Find Your First Clients Program


Or Pay via a Payment Plan: 3 x monthly instalments of $450 AUD (total $1,350)

  • A 30-Min. Introductory Call to kickstart the program, get some initial guidance about where to focus first
  • 6 x 45-min. Coaching Sessions via Zoom for accountability, where you'll also be able to ask questions, get feedback, and gain expert marketing advice
  • LIFETIME Access to 5 Online Learning Modules including 15 concise videos that guide you step-by-step through the Foundations First Framework
  • A 17-page Digital Workbook to guide you as you complete each lesson and develop your strategy
  • Access to sales and marketing guides, templates, and tips to help you save time and implement your strategy
  • 90 Days Access to the My Client Strategy Academy Get additional support inside my online community, as well as access to the Learning Hub Masterclasses and Group Coaching Sessions
Business Mentoring for Women to Find Your First Clients

12-Week Find Your First Clients Program With Ongoing Support


Or Pay via a Payment Plan: 3 x monthly instalments of $550 AUD (total $1,650)

  • A 30-Min. Introductory Call to kickstart the program, get some initial guidance about where to focus first
  • 6 x 45-min. Coaching Sessions via Zoom for accountability, where you'll also be able to ask questions, get feedback, and gain expert marketing advice
  • LIFETIME Access to 5 Online Learning Modules including 15 concise videos that guide you step-by-step through the Foundations First Framework
  • A 17-page Digital Workbook to guide you as you complete each lesson and develop your strategy
  • Access to sales and marketing guides, templates, and tips to help you save time and implement your strategy
  • 12 Months Access to the My Client Strategy Academy Get additional support inside my online community, as well as access to the Learning Hub Masterclasses and Group Coaching Sessions

Want to know more about the ongoing support?

When you choose the ongoing support option, you'll receive 12 months of access to the My Client Strategy Academy (valued at $490).

The My Client Strategy Academy is an online community where you can find additional support while completing the Find Your First Clients program... And for a further 9 months after that.

Inside the Academy, you'll find expert advice, practical guidance, and community support to help you with implementing the activities that you choose to include in your sales and marketing strategy.

When you join, you'll get membership access to: 

  • The Learning Hub – learn from the experts and save time with over 40 marketing masterclasses at your fingertips
  • Live Q&A Group Coaching Twice a Month – direct coaching access to Hayley to equip you with valuable guidance and advice in addition to the 1:1 sessions
  • Members-only Community – where you can network and form business friendships and collaborations
  • Bonus 'Get It Done' Sessions – get motivated and take inspired action to implement your plan with unwavering confidence
  • Quarterly Mini-Masterminds – a member-only opportunity to mastermind, get inspired, and skyrocket your business growth
  • The Consistent Clients Roadmap – grab my 90-minute guide to building a strong marketing foundation and plan to grow your service business


So, who's the Find Your First Clients program for?

First of all, this program is NOT for you if:

You're an e-commerce, retail, or product-based business. This program is designed for coaches, consultants, and service-based business owners who want actionable steps they can take to grow.

➔ You have confidently found your first ten clients - without relying on referrals - and you're already clear on your niche and the value your services provide, have a sales process in place that converts well. 

You're looking for an Instagram Reels or Facebook Ads expert to teach you their method. This program won't cover individual tactics or the latest trends, but rather how to create a holistic and sustainable STRATEGY so you can cut through and market your business more effectively, now and in the future.

If you're only interested in having a part-time side hustle or hobby business. This program is better suited to those who want to build a dream lifestyle business that enables you to get paid what you're worth, work the hours you want, and do the type of work you enjoy.

You're not prepared to attend the 1:1 coaching calls and put in the work to achieve your business goals; and just plan to add this program to the list of other trainings you'll get around to watching 'one day'.

You're looking for a cookie-cutter approach to building your business or a quick and easy way to copy what someone else has done. This program is about personalising your sales and marketing strategy, so it's right for YOU.

However, the program would be a great fit for you if...

You're tired of wasting time on Google and spinning around in circles trying to figure out everything on your own and want the supportive coaching, expert advice, and accountability that you don't get from enrolling in a stand-alone online course.

Your new coaching, consulting, or service-based small business is growing slower than you would like, and you're now feeling stuck and unsure where or how to find your first clients despite your initial marketing efforts and hard work.

You want to learn how to market your business and find clients without relying on social media because creating content is taking up a lot of time and you're not seeing the returns you'd hoped for.

You're good at what you do but lack the marketing skills, knowledge and experience you need because you haven't had to market a business and find clients before. So, you're seeking the support that a business mentor for women can provide.

You feel like imposter syndrome is creeping in when it comes to finding clients and want the expert marketing guidance, accountability, and encouragement that a 1:1 coach can provide so you can move your business forward with far less stress and overwhelm.

You've lost some of the clarity, direction, and motivation you initially had for your business and are starting to feel like that dream business and flexible lifestyle is a long way away (or perhaps even impossible to achieve).


Hiring Hayley as my Marketing and Business Coach is the best investment I've made in my business so far!

I felt so confused and overwhelmed about how to market my business, and she really helped me gain clarity and confidence in selling my services.

Also, the resources she provides as part of her coaching program are PHENOMENAL - so organized and informative!

If you're a small business owner and want to understand how to craft the right offers and messaging, I really can't recommend her enough. Thanks for everything, Hayley!

Anais Babajanian - Business and Leadership Coach

Want to know more about what it’s like working with me as your Business Mentor

I’m an MBA-qualified Marketing Coach and Business Mentor for women. I coach service-based business owners like you to overcome the marketing overwhelm and complexity so you can grow your business faster and with ease.

I believe marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s simply about:
➔ identifying what you need to focus on most in your business to achieve the results you want, and then
➔ breaking it down into simple and easy-to-follow steps so you can get to where you want to be sooner.

It’s the same approach I used when I developed marketing strategies and plans for some of Australia’s largest service-based organisations – and what I used to build my own successful business when I quit my corporate career in 2018.

But my journey from corporate life to solo business owner hasn’t all been smooth sailing.

I know firsthand how overwhelming and lonely it can feel when you’re trying to grow your business by yourself – and how frustrating it is when you feel like you’re spinning around in circles and unsure how to move forward.

That’s why when you work 1:1 with me, you don’t just get a personalised sales and marketing strategy.

You also get a marketing coach who’s completely invested in your success and is there to support you in whatever way you feel you need it most.

You’ll experience the relief that comes from having someone to help you sort through your ideas – and the confidence that comes from knowing you’re working on exactly the right things to grow your business.

And you’ll experience a fantastic sense of achievement when you start working with clients and making money in your business!

Ready to get started?

Apply today and let's find your first clients!

Find Your First Clients Program_Business Mentoring for Women

12-Week Find Your First Clients Program


Or Pay via a Payment Plan: 3 x monthly instalments of $450 AUD (total $1,350)

  • A 30-Min. Introductory Call to kickstart the program, get some initial guidance about where to focus first
  • 6 x 45-min. Coaching Sessions via Zoom for accountability, where you'll also be able to ask questions, get feedback, and gain expert marketing advice
  • LIFETIME Access to 5 Online Learning Modules including 15 concise videos that guide you step-by-step through the Foundations First Framework
  • A 17-page Digital Workbook to guide you as you complete each lesson and develop your strategy
  • Access to sales and marketing guides, templates, and tips to help you save time and implement your strategy
  • 90 Days Access to the My Client Strategy Academy Get additional support inside my online community, as well as access to the Learning Hub Masterclasses and Group Coaching Sessions
Business Mentoring for Women to Find Your First Clients

12-Week Find Your First Clients Program With Ongoing Support


Or Pay via a Payment Plan: 3 x monthly instalments of $550 AUD (total $1,650)

  • A 30-Min. Introductory Call to kickstart the program, get some initial guidance about where to focus first
  • 6 x 45-min. Coaching Sessions via Zoom for accountability, where you'll also be able to ask questions, get feedback, and gain expert marketing advice
  • LIFETIME Access to 5 Online Learning Modules including 15 concise videos that guide you step-by-step through the Foundations First Framework
  • A 17-page Digital Workbook to guide you as you complete each lesson and develop your strategy
  • Access to sales and marketing guides, templates, and tips to help you save time and implement your strategy
  • 12 Months Access to the My Client Strategy Academy Get additional support inside my online community, as well as access to the Learning Hub Masterclasses and Group Coaching Sessions

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? That's ok - I've got answers below...
1Should I wait until after I launch my business and feel ready to start working with clients to take this program?
The short answer is no! If I had a business coach and access to the easy-to-follow training, guidance, and resources available in this program before starting my business and working with clients, I wouldn't have gotten so distracted by bright, shiny objects in the beginning, and I would have had the confidence I needed to find my first clients and start making sales a lot sooner than I did.
2My clients have mostly come via referrals and word of mouth. Will this program help me find new clients?
Getting referrals is a great way to grow your business, especially when you're starting out or side hustling. However, I understand how challenging it can be when those referrals slow down or stop. The Find Your First Clients program will help you get the clarity you need to find NEW clients and grow beyond word of mouth and social media - and I'll be sharing my top tips and bonus guides with you to help you save time and find those new clients sooner.
3Do I need to have my website finished and email list sorted before doing this program?
No, you don't need to have anything finished or ready before starting this program, because this program is designed to help you get marketing activities such as these sorted. All you need is a good idea of what you are going to provide in your business and who you want to sell your services to. We'll figure out the rest together.
4How do I know if we'll be a good fit?
Hiring a business coach is an important decision and one I know you want to get right. That's why I provide a free, no-obligation 30-minute discovery call where you can chat to me via Zoom or by phone to find out if we're a good fit to work together. This is an opportunity to ask me any questions you have, so you have all the information you need to make a well-informed decision. As soon as you apply, I'll review your application and if I believe I can help, then I'll send you a link to book a discovery call so we can meet via Zoom.
5What's the difference between this Find Your First Clients program and your Business Breakthrough program?
The Find Your First Clients program is specifically designed for new business owners who are in the process of launching their business and focuses on the foundational sales and marketing elements that every business needs for sustainable success. The Business Breakthrough coaching program is more suitable for business owners who have already found their first clients and are looking to build more sustainability and consistency into their sales and marketing processes. Learn more about Business Breakthrough here

6What are your qualifications as a marketing and business mentor for women?
I'm an MBA-qualified small business marketing coach with more than 15 years of experience at some of Australia's largest service-based organisations. So, I've seen a lot of what works, as well as what doesn't. I've invested tens of thousands of dollars in my education and continue to do so today. My qualifications include a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Macquarie Graduate School of Management and a Bachelor of Management (Marketing) from the University of South Australia. As well as starting and growing my own small business, I've run successful marketing campaigns and promotions; launched new websites; written SEO-friendly blogs, copy, and content marketing; and designed and implemented numerous marketing strategies and plans for service-based businesses.
7How long is the program, and what's the refund policy?
The coaching program runs for twelve weeks, and all 1:1 coaching sessions, will be held during this timeframe. Across the 5 online modules, there are a total of 15 short, self-paced training videos, totalling approximately 2 and a half hours. You will have lifetime access to the online learning modules and (if you wish, recorded) coaching sessions via Zoom after the program finishes. You will have access to the additional support through the My Client Strategy Academy for 90 days or 12 months depending on which option you choose. Refund requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and will be granted at the discretion of My Client Strategy. However, we do not provide refunds for payments already made unless required by the Australian Consumer Law.
8How are 1:1 coaching sessions scheduled?
Coaching calls are scheduled online and conducted via Zoom. During your Introductory Call, we’ll discuss what your coaching schedule will look like and agree on times and days that suit. I understand running a business can sometimes be unpredictable, so if something comes up, all I ask is that you provide 24 hours notice to reschedule your coaching call. Your call can be rescheduled at any time during the 3-month or 6-month coaching period.
9Can I get access to contact you between coaching sessions if I get stuck?
The Find Your First Clients coaching program does not have email support between sessions. However, you will have additional support via my online community, the My Client Strategy Academy, where you can attend group coaching sessions twice a month. If you're seeking a more high-touch program, check out my Business Breakthrough coaching program here.