Ready to stop wasting time on the things that aren’t working to grow your service business?

Start prioritising the activities that will actually make a difference when it comes to attracting consistent clients and making sales with...

The My Client Strategy Academy

An online community designed exclusively for coaches, consultants, and service-based business owners who are ready to master their marketing plan, show up confidently, and invest their time, effort, and energy into activities that will actually work.


Inside, you'll find expert advice, practical guidance, and community support to help you streamline, simplify, and strengthen your marketing so you can attract consistent clients, increase your sales, and free up time – all without needing to become a marketing expert or use expensive agencies.

Let’s start with a bit of real talk…

Your initial marketing efforts have enabled you to successfully get your business up and running...

But, it’s only gotten you so far.

Maybe you’ve:

➔ built a website and published some blogs,

➔ posted on social media,

➔ relied on your network and referrals, and

➔ attended a few networking events here and there…

But none of it has really given you the *powerful boost* you need to create a consistent flow of clients so you can build a sustainable business.

And it's hard to get momentum because you don’t have the money coming in yet to invest in expensive tools, complex strategies, and an outsourced team that the established businesses are all using to supercharge their growth.

The truth is, you’re not alone with this challenge!

So many small business owners struggle once their leads and referrals stop and they need to attract a consistent flow of new clients.

If this resonates with you too, then maybe you’ve:

➔ Pulled back on marketing as often as you should because no matter what you try or how much you spend on ads, it doesn’t seem to make a difference

➔ Started comparing yourself to others and doubting your marketing skills because you can’t get the same results as they can

➔ Contemplated throwing everything away because you're embarrassed or feel like you're failing, and just want to start again from scratch

➔ Stopped your marketing altogether because you’re tired of spinning around in circles, wasting time and money on things that just aren’t going to work


But here’s what you may not know:

➔ You don't need to be a marketing expert or invest heavily in expensive marketing agencies and online tools to see sales growth.

➔ The key to consistent clients is to focus on building your business foundations and ditching the complicated strategies for a more simplified, streamlined, and structured marketing approach.

➔ When you have a plan, you'll feel so much more organised and free up time for the things you really enjoy - plus, you'll start to achieve the better results that you truly deserve! 

So, that all sounds fantastic, but where do you start?

Well, you’ve probably been led to believe that attracting consistent clients involves:

➔ Jumping on the latest social media trends and signing up to every platform

➔ Spending money on expensive marketing agencies and SEO specialists

➔ Working long hours writing blogs and creating more and more content

➔ Showing up every day on social media and attending lots of networking events

But who has the time, money, and energy to do all of that when you’re working on your own and trying to juggle #allthethings?

And here’s the catch - these approaches usually only work after you’ve spent time building and testing your marketing foundations first.

The truth is when you push your business out into the world quickly in an effort to make sales, you’ll often mistakenly skip these foundational first steps.

And when you don’t have your foundations in place to support you, well, it’s just like walking through marketing quicksand.

➔ In the beginning, you might make some good progress and generate a few sales.

➔ But soon after that, you’ll find it harder and harder to move forwards.

➔ And eventually, you’ll find yourself feeling STUCK.

The good news is there's a better way to attract consistent clients and make sales.

With expert marketing advice, practical guidance, and community support, you’ll avoid sinking into the marketing quicksand...

And, instead, create a solid foundation that will give you the strength and support you need to attract consistent clients - without needing to become a marketing expert or having to break the bank.

It was the best thing I've done this year for my business, and wish I had joined earlier!

I had been piecing together my marketing without any real knowledge of how, why, or when to do things. There is a lot of information available, but a lot is conflicting, and it's easy to fall down a rabbit hole of Google searching, only to pop your head up three hours later and have achieved nothing.

I needed guidance from someone who knew marketing inside out. I needed a step-by-step process and someone to help me look at marketing from a 'big picture' perspective rather than focusing on individual elements.

After thinking about it for way too long, I decided to join the My Client Strategy. It was the best thing I've done this year for my business, and wish I had joined earlier!

Samantha Bell | Website Designer and Copywriter

Imagine having...


A simple step-by-step plan to follow that gives you clarity and direction to move forwards and grow your service-based business in the most efficient, affordable, and effective way.


Money in your bank account because you’ve ditched the complex and expensive tactics and taken a more straightforward and strategic approach to marketing your business and making sales.


Results you can get excited about because all of your marketing activities are organised, aligned, and working well together to maximise your sales and marketing efforts.


A consistent flow of ideal clients coming in because you’ve got the structure you need in your sales process to turn leads into enquiries and enquiries into sales consistently.


Support when you need it to get inspiration and motivation from others who have been where you want to go and want to help you build the freedom business and lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of.


Now, you may think that building your foundations and developing a marketing plan will only slow you down from getting clients...

But when you take the time to pull yourself out of the marketing quicksand and put in place the supporting stepping stones, you need to grow…

You'll be well on your way to having a more effective marketing impact, higher sales conversions, and, ultimately, that freedom business and lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of.

And inside the My Client Strategy Academy membership, you’ll find expert advice, practical guidance, and community support to help you achieve just that.

Introducing the My Client Strategy Academy

An online community that will support you to master your marketing plan, show up confidently, and invest your time, effort, and energy into activities that will actually work.

No more feeling stuck and overwhelmed

No more time-consuming, expensive, and ineffective tactics

No more underwhelming and disappointing results

Just the live expert advice, actionable steps, and accountability you need to streamline, simplify, and strengthen your marketing so you can attract consistent clients, increase your sales, and free up time to spend doing what you really enjoy.

But Hayley, there’s just so much I need to do – how will I ever find the time to get it all done?

That’s a great question! But you know what… you don’t have to do it all at once.

It takes time, effort, and energy to build a business, and there are very rarely overnight success stories!

However, if you don’t start somewhere and begin investing in your business and trying something different to what you’re doing now…

Nothing will change.

You’ll still be STUCK in the same situation you’re in now.

And in 3, 6, or 12 months, you’ll still be spinning around in circles and chasing clients trying to fill your available spots.

So, are you ready to change all that?

To get the step-by-step guidance, inspiration, and accountability to create a steady flow of new clients and consistent revenue growth?

Well, it's 100% possible for you!

And you don't need to be a marketing expert or spend a fortune on expensive agencies, either.


Here’s why you should join the My Client Strategy Academy membership:

Create a steady flow of clients with the Consistent Clients Roadmap

In 90 minutes, we’ll walk through the 5-step Consistent Clients Roadmap that will help you fill in the gaps and strengthen your marketing foundations without needing to be a marketing expert. And I’ll show you how to build your actionable marketing plan to attract consistent clients and make sales without having to use expensive agencies.

Get organised and plan ahead for success with Quarterly Mini-Masterminds

Start each quarter strong, with clarity on how to set, plan, and crush your goals in the quarter ahead. Each quarter, you’re invited to join our 3-hour mini-mastermind, where we’ll carve out the time so you can work ON your business, get inspired by what’s working now, and find the space to share ideas and get valuable feedback from the community. It’s like having a strategy team visit your office without the expensive agency price tag! 

Live support when you need it via 2 x Group Coaching Sessions every month

This isn’t like a course where you’re left to try and figure everything out on your own. Twice a month, you’ll have direct coaching access to me (Hayley), where you can ask questions, gain feedback, and get hot-seat coaching to overcome any challenges. No matter how big or small the question, I’ll be there to empower you with the skills, knowledge, and motivation you’re seeking to succeed.

Improve your marketing ROI with masterclasses hosted by Hayley and guest experts

Grow your business faster with practical guidance and actionable steps that guest marketing experts and I, will teach you inside the Academy Learning Hub. We’ll help you unlock the keys to skyrocketing your visibility, generating enquiries, and increasing your sales conversions so that you can attract consistent clients and make more sales without having to use the latest complex trends or expensive online tools.

Supercharge your productivity with the accountability you need to get the work done 

Patience, persistence, and productivity are the keys to making progress. And the supportive member community and I will be there to help you block out the distractions and noise and get the work done. During our bonus ‘Get It Done’ sessions, you’ll finally have the motivation and thinking space that you need to work ON your business so you can achieve a better return on the time, effort, and energy you invest.

There are two ways to join the My Client Strategy Academy:

Monthly - $49 AUD per month
Flexible, with no lock-in contract - cancel anytime

Access to the Consistent Clients Roadmap – grab my 90-minute guide to building a strong marketing foundation and plan to grow your service business

Exclusive invite to our Quarterly Mini-Masterminds – a member-only opportunity to mastermind, get inspired, and skyrocket your business growth

Academy Learning Hub Access – learn from the experts and save time with over 30 marketing masterclasses at your fingertips

Live Q&A Group Coaching Twice a Month – direct coaching access to Hayley to equip you with valuable guidance and advice

Members-only Community – where you can network and form business friendships and collaborations

Bonus Get It Done Sessions – get motivated and take inspired action to implement your plan with unwavering confidence

Annually - $490 AUD per year
Best value, with two bonus offers (valued at $397)

Access to the Consistent Clients Roadmap – grab my 90-minute guide to building a strong marketing foundation and plan to grow your service business

Exclusive invite to our Quarterly Mini-Masterminds – a member-only opportunity to mastermind, get inspired, and skyrocket your business growth

Academy Learning Hub Access – learn from the experts and save time with over 30 marketing masterclasses at your fingertips

Live Q&A Group Coaching Twice a Month – direct coaching access to Hayley to equip you with valuable guidance and advice

Members-only Community – where you can network and form business friendships and collaborations

Bonus Get It Done Sessions – get motivated and take inspired action to implement your plan with unwavering confidence

You get everything included in the monthly membership with two bonuses valued at $397 AUD:

Two months free membership – valued at $98 AUD

A 1:1 Marketing Momentum Meeting with me – valued at $299 AUD. The meeting includes a 90-minute 1:1 Coaching Session with me and a step-by-step Action Plan.

Here's what members are saying about the Academy...

Introducing your Marketing Coach and Business Mentor...

Hi, I’m Hayley Robertson, Your Marketing Coach

I’m an MBA-qualified Marketing Coach and Business Mentor, as well as a small business owner.

I specialise in coaching service-based business owners, like you, on how to attract more clients and make sales without needing to become a marketing expert.

I’ve developed marketing strategies and plans for some of Australia’s largest service-based organisations, as well as my own small business.

And, inside the My Client Strategy Academy I'm showing service-based business owners, like you, how you can do it too.

Now, you may be wondering why I created the My Client Strategy Academy

Well, the idea for creating the My Client Strategy Academy membership came after building my own service-based business and realising just how important it is to not go it alone in business.

I had many days early on when I was stuck, spinning around in circles, and feeling very unproductive.

I knew I would benefit from investing in my business and joining a few communities, but I didn't have a lot of money coming in to reinvest.

And I didn't know where to start because there was so much noise online about what you should do that it just left me overwhelmed and confused.

So, I asked myself the question…

What resources and support could I provide to a service-based small business owner to help them attract consistent clients and make sales in an easy and affordable way?

I didn’t want to worry about adding fancy tools and complex marketing strategies that the latest guru tells you that you need to have.

That would just add unnecessary overwhelm and cost a lot of time and money.

I also wasn’t interested in producing long and drawn-out courses that didn't have the support to actually help you get the work done.

Because who’s got time for that!

Rather I asked myself:

“How can I develop a step-by-step marketing roadmap that is simple to follow and create a supportive community environment that will help you get unstuck and keep moving forwards”?

I reviewed the content that I had been using to teach my 1:1 clients and was able to create…

The My Client Strategy Academy > A one-stop marketing hub where you'll get the step-by-step roadmap, guidance, and group coaching support to grow your service business. Without needing to become a marketing expert or use expensive agencies. And alongside a supportive community each step of the way.

Ready to join us inside the Academy?

Simply choose the membership option that suits you best, and you'll lock in this price for as long as you stay a member - even if the price goes up for new members in the future!


Monthly - $49 AUD per month

Flexible, with no lock-in contract - cancel anytime

Access to the Consistent Clients Roadmap – grab my 90-minute guide to building a strong marketing foundation and plan to grow your service business

Exclusive invite to our Quarterly Mini-Masterminds – a member-only opportunity to mastermind, get inspired, and skyrocket your business growth

Academy Learning Hub Access – learn from the experts and save time with over 30 marketing masterclasses at your fingertips

Live Q&A Group Coaching Twice a Month – direct coaching access to Hayley to equip you with valuable guidance and advice

Members-only Community – where you can network and form business friendships and collaborations

Bonus Get It Done Sessions – get motivated and take inspired action to implement your plan with unwavering confidence

Annually - $490 AUD per year
Best value, with two bonus offers (valued at $397)

Access to the Consistent Clients Roadmap – grab my 90-minute guide to building a strong marketing foundation and plan to grow your service business

Exclusive invite to our Quarterly Mini-Masterminds – a member-only opportunity to mastermind, get inspired, and skyrocket your business growth

Academy Learning Hub Access – learn from the experts and save time with over 30 marketing masterclasses at your fingertips

Live Q&A Group Coaching Twice a Month – direct coaching access to Hayley to equip you with valuable guidance and advice

Members-only Community – where you can network and form business friendships and collaborations

Bonus Get It Done Sessions – get motivated and take inspired action to implement your plan with unwavering confidence

You get everything included in the monthly membership with two bonuses valued at $397 AUD:

Two months free membership – valued at $98 AUD

A 1:1 Marketing Momentum Meeting with me – valued at $299 AUD. The meeting includes a 90-minute 1:1 Coaching Session with me and a step-by-step Action Plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

1What is the My Client Strategy Academy and what exactly do I get?
The Academy is a flexible monthly membership designed exclusively for service-based business owners who are ready to master their marketing plan, grow with confidence, and achieve a better return on the time, effort, and energy they invest. As long as you’re a member, you’ll get:

Access to the Consistent Clients Roadmap Grab my 90-minute guide to building a strong marketing foundation and plan to grow your service business

Exclusive invite to our Quarterly Mini-Masterminds A member-only opportunity to mastermind, get inspired, and skyrocket your business growth

Academy Learning Hub Access Learn from the experts and save time with over 30 marketing masterclasses at your fingertips

Live Q&A Group Coaching Twice a Month Direct coaching access to Hayley to equip you with valuable guidance and advice

Members-only Community Where you can network and form business friendships and collaborations

Bonus Get It Done Sessions Get motivated and take inspired action to implement your plan with unwavering confidence

If you choose to join as an annual member, you’ll also get two month’s free membership (valued at $98) and a 90-minute Momentum Meeting with me which you can schedule at any time during the 12 months of your membership.

2How is the membership different to your 1:1 Business Breakthrough Coaching Program?
Business Breakthrough is my signature 3- or 6-month 1:1 coaching program where I work closely with you to tailor your marketing strategy and plan and provide you with the personalised support to build the marketing systems, strategy, and structure you need to grow. There’s a lot more personalised and individual support in my signature program. However, it’s also a much more significant investment. If you’re not yet ready or able to invest in a 1:1 coaching program, but you’re looking for more support than you would otherwise get in an online course, then the Academy membership would be perfect for you. You’ll get marketing training and guidance that you can implement yourself, combined with expert advice and community support when you need it via the group coaching sessions twice a month.
3Do you really get direct coaching access to you, Hayley?
Yes, absolutely! I host all of the live Q&A coaching sessions inside the Academy, where you'll get direct coaching access to me at a fraction of the cost if you were to hire me for 1:1 coaching. You'll have the chance to ask questions, get feedback and gain clarity on what you should be focusing on next in your business.
4How much time will I need to spend inside the membership?
As a small business owner myself, I know you're probably short on time.

Which is why my goal is to help you simplify and streamline your marketing efforts so you can work more productively and see a better return on the time, money, and energy you invest.

The Roadmap training, templates, and resources are available for you to access as you need, in bite-sized chunks. There's also no requirement to meet weekly or monthly as I've consolidated everything you need to plan out each quarter into a 3-hour mini-mastermind where you can get organised, find inspiration, and gain the clarity you need to get more done in less time. And you can then choose to attend as many, or as few, group coaching support sessions as you need throughout the quarter to ask questions and get feedback to help you attract consistent clients and make sales.
5When are the quarterly members-only mini-masterminds held?
The exclusive mini-masterminds are held every quarter, usually around the first week of Dec, Mar, Jun, and Sep so you're set up and ready to kick off the upcoming quarter strong. They run live from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon (AEST), and are recorded so you can catch the replay if you can't make it live.
6What if I have a question but can't make it to the live Q&A sessions?
Don't worry if you can't make it live. All live group coaching sessions are recorded so you can catch up on the replay at a time that's suitable for you. You can also submit a question ahead of time in the members-only Facebook group which I will answer for you on the next live Zoom call.
7What is the cancellation and refund policy?
There are no lock-in contracts with the My Client Strategy Academy, so you can cancel at anytime and your subscription will end when your next payment was due (either at the end of the month or the end of the year depending on your membership). For Membership Subscriptions paid in advance on a monthly basis, there will be no refunds for payments already made. When you cancel your membership, you will retain access up until when your next payment was due. For Membership Subscriptions paid in advance on an annual basis, there will be no refunds for payments already made, with the exception of when membership is cancelled within the money back guarantee period. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your membership, you can cancel within the first 14 days and you will be refunded your membership fee, less one month’s payment. When you cancel your membership, you will retain access up until when your next payment was due. Please note that if you cancel your membership and would like to re-join again at a later date, you may not be able to join at the same rate you were originally paying if the price of membership has since increased.
8I'm not sure if the membership is for me. Is there a trial period available?
The short answer is no. The Academy is a flexible monthly membership for only $49 per month, where there is no lock in contract so you can cancel at anytime. The annual membership is for a full year, so its recommended that you start as a monthly member if you want to meet the community and give it a road test first.
9Can I cancel after 12 months if I choose the annual membership option?
Yes, you can cancel your annual membership if you don't want to renew for a second year (although I think you're going to want to stay once you see what's inside). Simply let us know before your membership is due to renew again so that your subscription doesn't auto-renew.