I empower talented and determined service professionals, like you, with the marketing skills, knowledge and resources you’ll need to build a profitable and sustainable business that gives you the freedom and flexibility you’ve been searching for.


Meet your Marketing Coach and Business Mentor


Hi, I'm Hayley.

An MBA-qualified marketing coach and business mentor who’ll help you build a profitable and sustainable business you love.

A business that enables you to:

➔ choose the ideal clients you want to work with

➔ get paid what you’re worth, and

➔ work less hours and spend more time doing what you really enjoy.

But if you’re like most people I work with...

You may be feeling like that dream business and lifestyle is a long way away (or perhaps even impossible to achieve).

You might be right at the start of your business journey, when you ‘don’t know what you don’t know’ and you’re not sure how to move forward.

Or you might be a few years down the track and feeling overloaded with client work, and wish you could free up more time so you can reach that next level of growth.

Whenever you're at, you may be starting to feel like you’re failing or an imposter, and it can be really hard to find the motivation and self-belief you need to keep showing up, day after day.

Maybe you can relate?

I know how that feels, because I’ve felt that way too.

When I left my corporate sales and marketing career to start my own business in 2018, I didn’t just hit the ground running.

Sure, I was spending a lot of time at my computer and feeling really busy, but I wasn’t doing the activities I needed to do to build a business that would give me the freedom and flexibility I was looking for.

Instead, I was:

➔ getting distracted by new ideas and shiny objects

➔ trying to save money by piecing together all of the information I could find for free online

➔ wasting a lot of time trying to replicate what other people were doing, instead of believing in my own business and strategy.

Thankfully, it didn’t take me long to realise where I was going wrong.

And work out what I needed to do to turn things around (and avoid having to go back to corporate life!).

I took a step back, created a marketing strategy and plan that was based on MY business goals and audience (not someone else’s), invested where I needed to, and started focusing on the things that were really going to help me attract consistent clients and grow.

Since then, my business has gone from strength to strength.

It’s supported my financial goals (even during the pandemic and an interstate move), and has given me the freedom and flexibility to have the lifestyle I want – which is why I started my business in the first place!

And you know what? I can help you achieve this too.

Signing up for Hayley’s coaching program has been the best investment I have made in my business so far. I knew I needed to increase my client base, but I just didn’t know where to start! It all seemed overwhelming and confusing. But Hayley helped me develop a clear and easy-to-follow marketing strategy just for my practice. And in just 6 months, I doubled my client base. I also had a dream to write, develop and deliver an online course, and Hayley helped my dream become a reality!”
Honni Hayton | Counselling for Women


I believe the right marketing strategy and plan is key to your business success.

Yet despite what you may believe, a marketing strategy and plan doesn’t need to be complicated or time-consuming.

And it doesn’t need to follow some secret, one-size-fits-all formula for success (despite what some marketing ‘gurus’ might tell you!).

It simply requires you to set your goals and identify what you need to focus on most in YOUR business to achieve the results you want, and then break it down into the actionable steps that‘ll remove the distractions and get you there sooner.

But while it might be simple, I know it’s not necessarily easy (or you’d already be doing it, right?).

That’s why I’ve made it my mission to help service-based business owners like you develop the skills, knowledge and resources you need to successfully market and grow your business, in a simple, efficient and sustainable way.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from my 15+ years developing marketing strategies and plans for some of Australia’s largest service-based organisations, and from building my own successful business, and created actionable coaching and training programs that’ll give you the step-by-step guidance you need to attract your dream clients and grow.

Whether you’re just starting out, or you’re now ready to grow to that next level – I can help.

Ready to get started?


"I got to work with Hayley a year ago, and in the year that has passed, and since implementing the strategies she has taught me, my business has taken off!

Sometimes I pinch myself because I actually can't believe how many customers have reached out - and all of them are exactly the kinds of customers I was looking to work with!

I struggled with this for three years before getting help and working with Hayley was worth every cent - I honestly wish I did it sooner because she started from the beginning with me and helped me bring to life the exact business I had envisioned for so many years. Thank you Hayley!"

Christina Tieppo | Career Coach - Career Mend


Wondering if I’m the right coach for you?


Here are some more things to know about me:


I’m all about connection.

I’ve always enjoyed being part of a team, and since becoming a business owner, I know having the right support around me is more important than ever.

I’m constantly looking for opportunities to collaborate and expand my network, and I offer service-based business owners the opportunity to do that, too, through my online community, the My Client Strategy Academy.


I believe in working smarter, not harder.

I’m not about the hustle, and I don’t think marketing your business should take up all your time. 

Instead, I believe the key to long-term growth and success (and happiness!) is having the right strategy, systems and structures in place, so you can effectively and efficiently market your business, without all the overwhelm and stress.


I’m continuously investing in my learning and development.

I’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars in my education over the years and continue to invest today. 

My qualifications include a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from the Macquarie Graduate School of Management and a Bachelor of Management (Marketing) from the University of South Australia.

So, when you work with me, you don’t just benefit from my experience – you also get access to all the knowledge I’ve gained from other brilliant coaches and educators I’ve invested with.


But most importantly:

I’m completely invested in your success.

I do this work because I want you to have a successful, sustainable and profitable business. And I do this work because I want you to have the skills and knowledge you need for success long after we’ve finished working together.

I’ve seen my clients not only grow their businesses but also themselves, and I’d love to see you grow and succeed too!

Think we might be a good fit?