5 Reasons why you’re not booking more discovery calls

5 Reasons why you’re not booking more discovery calls

why you are not booking discovery calls

Are you struggling when it comes to booking more discovery calls?

Even though you feel like you’ve tried almost every marketing strategy out there.

Well, you’re not alone!

I can tell you from experience (and from coaching many of my clients) that getting your followers to reach out and enquire with you can be challenging.

And I know how frustrating it can be when you finally book a discovery call, but then find out that it’s not a good fit.

However, the good news is that it’s an easy problem to fix.

When you identify what marketing is not working for you and start following the right marketing strategy for your business, it’s entirely possible to book more discovery calls!

5 reasons why you are not booking more discovery calls

In the blog post below, I outline five of the most common reasons why you’re not booking more discovery calls.

If any of these reasons below resonate with you, you’ll know where you may need to stop, take a step back, and make some changes to your lead generation process.

I also provide my marketing tips for what you can do instead to book more discovery calls with your dream clients and grow your service business.

1. You’re not inviting people to book discovery calls

Ok, so to begin with – if you want more discovery calls, you need to ensure you’re regularly inviting people to book a call with you.

There are various ways you can do this, including:

  • Adding a call to action on your social media posts
  • Adding buttons on your website sales pages
  • Going live on your social media platforms with a call to action at the end
  • Sending out an email to your list and letting them know you have availability
  • Reaching out to people who are engaging with you online

Many people hold back because they’re worried about coming across as too ‘salesy’.

However, if your followers have opted in to receive your emails or content, they will expect you to promote your services at some stage, so there’s no need to worry!

Find Your First Clients Course

2. Your discovery call booking process doesn’t flow smoothly

Sometimes we can get too close to our businesses and can’t see when things aren’t flowing smoothly for our clients.

And this is especially the case when it comes to integrating online marketing tools and systems.

Your discovery call booking process likely includes your website, an online booking calendar, an application form, and maybe even a payment gateway.

If all these systems aren’t integrated well, or the process is a little clunky or difficult to follow, clients may give up and abandon it part way through.

Also, be careful with your wording, especially regarding your website buttons and links.

Too often, I see people place a ‘Book Now’ or ‘Buy Now’ button on a website when the next step is actually a discovery call (not a sale).

People may not click the button if they think they must purchase immediately rather than have a discovery call to see if you’re a good fit.

RELATED: 3 Sales page copy tips for creating a sales page that converts

3. Your website sales page is missing critical information

Your website sales page is like an online sales pitch to potential clients.

So, having the right type of information on the page is essential.

And you must have this information displayed in the right order, so the sales pitch flows well.

If you’re unsure what to include, I have a blog post here that will help – What is a sales page? (And the 10 things it MUST include to convert).

I also recommend adding buttons that link to your discovery call application or enquiry form in multiple places on your sales page to increase the number of discovery calls you book.

And to have a button near the top of your sales page, another button after the pricing section, and a button at the bottom of the sales page.

Add buttons that link to your discovery call application or enquiry form in multiple places on your sales page to increase the number of discovery calls you book. #leadgeneration #sales Share on X

4. The timing is off with your marketing messages

If you’re selling a higher-priced service that requires a discovery call, then timing is everything.

So, to get the timing right, consider what trigger events or perhaps issues or pain points that your ideal clients would be experiencing at the point right when they are ready to consider working with you.

People will often think about working with someone like you for a while before they’re ready to start reaching out to people and doing some research.

However, something will happen that will make them decide that NOW is the right time for them to do something about it.

Once you identify these common triggers, you can include these types of pain points or stories in your content and sales page copy to stand out.

If you use messaging that meets your ideal clients where they are right NOW; then you’ll find your marketing is more effective in booking discovery calls.

If you use messaging that meets your ideal clients where they are right NOW; then you’ll find your marketing is more effective in booking discovery calls. #marketing #leadgeneration Share on X

Not sure where to start when it comes to finding your first clients? That’s where I can help. Get started today by clicking the button below to take my quiz – What’s Stopping You From Finding Your First Clients – and let’s discover what’s been holding you back:

5. You haven’t built enough authority and trust with leads

One of the biggest mistakes I see service businesses make is skipping through their sales process too quickly with clients.

They go in too early with their sales pitch and miss the critical engagement and nurturing stages of the client buying cycle.

This nurture stage in the middle of the lead generation process – between the awareness stage (when people find out about your business) and the sales stage (when leads become a client) – is where the authority and trust are built.

And if you want to book more discovery calls, you’ll need to ensure that you’ve built enough trust for them to feel confident to reach out to you.

When building authority and trust, I recommend creating more regular long-form content, such as blogging, podcasting, or a video series to nurture your leads.

Plus, speaking or meeting people in person is another great way to speed up the authority and trust-building phase.

RELATED: 6 Effective ways to nurture your leads and get more clients

So, there are five reasons why you aren’t booking more discovery calls for your service business.

If any of these resonate with you, then it’s time to take a step back and consider what you can change in your lead generation approach to improve your results.

Often it doesn’t require you to start again from scratch but just to make some minor changes to refine what you’re doing with your marketing.

Tired of trying to figure out what you’re missing when it comes to finding clients and making sales in your service business?

Break through the barriers that are holding you back with the support of an MBA-qualified Marketing Coach and Business Mentor who will tailor a 1:1 program specifically for you.

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BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH is a 3 or 6-month 1:1 Coaching Program for service-based business owners who want to develop the strategy, systems, and structure they need to find clients and make sales, so they can stop feeling stuck and start gaining massive momentum in their business.

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Hayley Robertson
Hayley Robertson
Want to attract new clients, make sales, and grow your business without the stress and overwhelm? That's where I can help! Join the My Client Strategy Academy. Or learn more about my Business Breakthrough and Find Your First Clients coaching programs. Before starting my business, I spent more than 15 years working for some of Australia's largest service-based organisations and hold a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) and a Bachelor of Management (Marketing). Learn more about me here.