How bright shiny objects lead to inconsistent sales

How bright shiny objects lead to inconsistent sales

bright shiny objects

If you’re a service-based small business owner, you’ve likely been distracted by “bright shiny objects” ⁠⁠at some stage.

Maybe it was when you had a great new idea to launch a new or different type of service (that didn’t really take off and sell that well).

Perhaps when you signed up for a fantastic new marketing tool or system you assumed you needed (but never used properly).⁠⁠

Or when you tried to implement some incredible new idea or formula that you found inside a freebie that magically appeared in your Facebook feed…⁠⁠ (but it didn’t work out or give you the results it promised to deliver).⁠⁠

The problem is… bright shiny objects like these are nearly always NOT what you need.⁠⁠

They distract you from focusing on and selling your core service offerings.

And they usually end up costing you precious time, which only SLOWS DOWN your business growth.⁠⁠

Plus, it completely drains your energy and motivation when you don’t get the consistent sales results you’d been hoping for!⁠

How bright shiny objects lead to inconsistent sales

The truth is… bright shiny object syndrome is simply unhelpful when trying to attract clients, make consistent sales, and grow your service business.⁠⁠

It leads you down a path where you’re continuously doing something new and starting again from scratch… ⁠⁠

You don’t give yourself and your business the chance to build momentum.

And then it takes you even longer to find your way back on track and start making consistent sales in your service business.⁠⁠

Yes, you may get a few small wins along the way and see some promising early results.⁠

However, without focus and a solid marketing strategy and plan, it won’t lead to a longer-term sustainable and growing business.⁠⁠

Bright shiny objects are a common issue that many small business owners (including me) have struggled with along their business growth journeys. ⁠⁠

However, there is a better and easier way to make consistent sales and build your business.

In the blog post below, you’ll find three small business tips to help you stop getting distracted by bright shiny objects and start attracting consistent clients to get the sales breakthrough you’ve been looking for.

1. Commit to your marketing strategy for at least 90 days

If you’ve put in the work and developed a marketing strategy and plan, you’ll have the clarity and direction you need to make consistent sales.

However, you’ll also need to commit to this strategy and plan and make a conscious choice that you’re going to follow it for at least 90 days.

This amount of time will enable you to plan, implement, and measure the results of your sales and marketing activities.

If you don’t allow these activities the time to work, or if you change one (or more) of the activities in your plan partway through, you won’t know what’s working well and what’s not working.

To improve your sales and marketing performance, you’ll need to follow a process of continuous improvement.

"To improve your sales and marketing performance, you'll need to follow a process of continuous improvement." – Hayley Robertson #marketingtips Share on X

So, I recommend setting time aside at the start of each quarter to map out and complete your plan to know exactly where you’ll need to focus next.

This focus will also help stop you from getting distracted by everything else that will pop up unexpectedly during the quarter.

RELATED: How to develop a marketing strategy and plan for a service business

2. Identify your core services and focus on selling them

When you’re just starting a business, you may decide to try selling several different services while testing the market.

Which is ok while you’re in a start-up business phase and still trying to identify your ideal clients.

But if you’re looking for business growth and consistent sales, you must move into a phase where you’re refining your service offerings.

And getting really focused on improving, promoting, and selling your highest-value services.

When you repeatedly promote the same services, you’ll also build up awareness and position yourself as an expert in delivering the type of services you sell.

When you repeatedly promote the same services, you'll also build up awareness and position yourself as an expert in delivering the type of services you sell. Share on X

It can take time for your ideal clients to become familiar with your services and how they work, so adding repetition to your marketing will help you make more consistent sales.

RELATED: 15 Things you need to create an irresistible service offering

Not sure where to start when it comes to marketing your service-based small business? That’s where I can help. Get started by downloading my free Ultimate Marketing Checklist by clicking the button below: 

3. Surround yourself with a network that can help you stay on track

It’s so easy to get distracted when you have so much to do as a small business owner.

Especially if you’re trying to wear all the hats in your business.

So, I recommend surrounding yourself with a network or community that can help you stay accountable and on track.

Having people around you who have also been where you want to go can provide valuable advice and experience to help you identify when you’re getting distracted and going off track.

If you’re not sure where to start, search on Google for networking or membership groups in your area or your business type.

Alternatively, you could ask in Facebook Groups that you are a member of for networking ideas.

RELATED: How to build a network: The ultimate small business guide

So, there you have my top three small business tips to avoid bright shiny objects so you can attract consistent clients and grow your service business.

When you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to getting the sales breakthrough you’ve been looking for and deserve.

Tired of trying to figure out what you’re missing when it comes to finding clients and making sales in your service business?

Break through the barriers that are holding you back with the support of an MBA-qualified Marketing Coach and Business Mentor who will tailor a 1:1 program specifically for you.

Business Breakthrough Marketing Coaching Program

BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH is a 3 or 6-month 1:1 Coaching Program for service-based business owners who want to develop the strategy, systems, and structure they need to find clients and make sales, so they can stop feeling stuck and start gaining massive momentum in their business.

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Hayley Robertson
Hayley Robertson
Want to attract new clients, make sales, and grow your business without the stress and overwhelm? That's where I can help! Join the My Client Strategy Academy. Or learn more about my Business Breakthrough and Find Your First Clients coaching programs. Before starting my business, I spent more than 15 years working for some of Australia's largest service-based organisations and hold a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) and a Bachelor of Management (Marketing). Learn more about me here.