What to include in a welcome packet for new clients

What to include in a welcome packet for new clients

new client welcome pack

A welcome packet is a fantastic way to introduce new clients to your service business.

It will help you to start your business relationship off in a great place and create a positive first impression.

It’s also a fantastic way to communicate your business processes and policies to your clients and set healthy boundaries and expectations from the beginning.

Another huge benefit is that it will also save you precious time by streamlining your client onboarding process.

what to include in a welcome packet

Now you may be wondering what you should include in a client welcome packet for your service business.

So, I’ve put together a list of what to include to create the ultimate welcome packet for your new clients:

1. A welcome note or letter

You should start by thanking your client for choosing your business and reinforcing your excitement about working together.

I recommend following this by outlining what’s in the welcome pack and referencing the vital information.

You could also mention the values that guide your business and the experience your clients should expect to receive.

It’s also a good idea to let your clients know how to contact you and the hours that you work so that you’ve set expectations well from the beginning.

Finally, sign off your letter with your name to give it a personalised touch.

2. A summary of your service inclusions

Outlining the inclusions in your service packages or what your clients have paid you for is an excellent way to reinforce the value that you provide.

It will also avoid any potential confusion in future about what your clients are going to receive.

If your client has yet to pay for part or all of your services, you could use this section to outline your policies and processes for providing and billing for your services.

Now sure where to start when it comes to designing a client onboarding process for your service business? That’s where I can help. Get started by downloading my free Ultimate Client Onboarding Checklist by clicking the button below:

3. Steps for getting started

Giving your clients a few steps to get started will help to get them excited about what’s ahead.

The steps may include things such as signing up for a new system or online tool.

Or, you may ask them to create a profile via your website as another example.

Consider what steps you could ask your clients to take to help them get started and build momentum around working together.

4. Your contact information

Including your contact information and available working hours is a handy reference for your clients.

It will also help you to set boundaries and expectations around when you are available.

You can also include details about your policies and processes so clients will know what to expect.

For example, how long will it take to respond to emails, the communication methods clients can use to contact you, and who to contact if you’re unavailable?

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5. Scheduling or booking instructions

If you use an online calendar or booking platform, then including a link to this in your welcome packet will be helpful for your clients.

You could also include any terms and conditions here that you have around cancellation timeframes and rescheduling to inform and remind your clients.

Now sure where to start when it comes to designing a client onboarding process for your service business? That’s where I can help. Get started by downloading my free Ultimate Client Onboarding Checklist by clicking the button below:

6. Key timings or a calendar

Depending on the type of services you offer, you may have future appointments or sessions that you need to schedule with your clients.

I’ve found it more efficient and productive to book future client sessions in advance, and if you adopt this approach as well, then you could include an indicative calendar in your welcome packet.

Alternatively, you may have expiry dates or deadlines related to your services so that you could include this information also.

7. Payment details

In your welcome packet, you can break down the details of your payment processes and options.

If your clients are on a payment plan, then you should also include the due dates for future payments and how they can be paid.

Including due dates is a good reminder for your clients and will help you to get paid on time.

8. Helpful resources or tools

There may be some helpful resources or tools related to your services that you could recommend to your clients as a value-add.

This information will help your clients to save time which they will also be grateful for.

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9. Frequently Asked Questions (faqs)

It’s common for clients to have questions when you first start working together, so adding an FAQ’s page to your welcome packet may help you to save time.

Rather than spending time answering the same questions repeatedly, your FAQ’s list will streamline your onboarding process and give your clients the answers they are searching for sooner.

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Now sure where to start when it comes to designing a client onboarding process for your service business? That’s where I can help. Get started by downloading my free Ultimate Client Onboarding Checklist by clicking the button below:

10. Terms and conditions

Lastly, I also recommend adding any relevant terms and conditions to your welcome packet.

You don’t need to add the full list of all your service terms and conditions, as this is covered in your client agreement.

But rather a few selected terms that you think would be useful to reinforce or highlight to your clients.

So, there you have ten items to include in your welcome pack for new clients.

If it is relevant, you may also include samples or information about any other services that you provide if you believe there is an excellent cross-sell opportunity.

Additionally, if you have partnered with any surrounding local businesses, you could arrange a cross-promotional activity in which you share their details with your clients and vice versa.

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Hayley Robertson
Hayley Robertson
Want to attract new clients, make sales, and grow your business without the stress and overwhelm? That's where I can help! Join the My Client Strategy Academy. Or learn more about my Business Breakthrough and Find Your First Clients coaching programs. Before starting my business, I spent more than 15 years working for some of Australia's largest service-based organisations and hold a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) and a Bachelor of Management (Marketing). Learn more about me here.