How to create an effective email marketing strategy

How to create an effective email marketing strategy

effective email marketing strategy

Are you ready to develop an effective email marketing strategy?

So, you can successfully engage and nurture your leads…

And encourage more of your audience to reach out and make a sales enquiry.

You are? Brilliant!

how to create an effective email marketing strategy

If you’re not sure where to start, that’s where I can help!

In the blog post below, I provide my email marketing tips, including recommendations for marketing systems and tools.

I describe each one and how I use it. Also, many of the links below are affiliate links, meaning I earn a little extra income (at no extra cost to you!) if you subscribe or purchase these systems or tools. Thank you in advance for your support!

Additionally, I include alternative options to potentially achieve similar results because I know that people have different functional requirements, preferences, and budgets when it comes to sourcing systems and tools for their businesses.

Here are my 15 tips for creating an effective email marketing strategy that will actually get your emails opened, clicked, and read:

1. Use an email autoresponder

If you’re going to be strategic and create an effective email marketing strategy, then you’ll need to invest in an email autoresponder.

There are some important reasons why, including that it will help you to:

  • Stay compliant with privacy laws around subscriptions
  • Improve deliverability, so you stay out of people’s spam folder
  • Segment and track your list for more targeted communications
  • Automate emails to free up more time and improve your results

There are many email autoresponders out there, but if you’re just getting started, I recommend researching ActiveCampaign or Convertkit.

Personally, I use Convertkit in my business because I find it simple to use, and it has the automation functionality I need to save time in my business.

I also love how easy it is to segment and tag subscribers and automate the emails I want them to receive using the Convertkit Visual Automation area.

If you have a smaller budget, you may prefer to look at a system such as MailerLite.

2. Focus on quality list growth

When it comes to growing your email list, quality beats quantity every time!

To improve the quality of your email list, and ensure that you attract qualified leads, create lead magnets and content that is relevant to your ideal clients.

And, create content that closely aligns with the services you sell.

Also, show up and promote your business on platforms where your ideal clients already are.

From time to time, you’ll also want to ‘clean your email list’ and remove cold subscribers who are no longer opening your emails, so you maintain an active list.

3. Follow a consistent schedule

If you tell your subscribers that they’re going to receive your emails at regular intervals, then you need to ensure you stick to this schedule.

Emailing your list on the same day and time each week will also help to remind your subscribers who you are and what you specialise in.

Emailing your list on the same day and time each week will also help to remind your subscribers who you are and what you specialise in. #emailmarketing #emailmarketingstrategy Share on X

If you have any significant gaps between when you send content, then you’ll run the risk of being forgotten.

When people forget who you are, they will also be more likely to unsubscribe.

Not sure where to start when it comes to marketing your service-based small business? That’s where I can help. Get started by downloading my free Ultimate Marketing Checklist by clicking the button below: 

4. Set up automated email sequences

An effective email marketing strategy leverages automated email sequences to help move potential clients along their buying journey.

They are strategically spaced out to nurture and warm up your leads and can be used as part of a sales funnel or to invite your list to another nurture activity such as a challenge or webinar.

For service businesses, the more common email sequences include:

A welcome email sequence: which is sent after someone has first joined your list

A sales email sequence: which is sent as part of a launch or promotional campaign

A nurture email sequence: which is sent after someone downloads a specific opt-in

Automated sequences also free up your time to focus on more critical tasks.

In my business, I use the Convertkit email autoresponder. I also recommend this tool to clients who want a simple-to-use email marketing system to set up their automated email sequences.

5. Align to your content pillars

If you want your emails opened, and the content read, then it needs to be relevant to your subscribers.

So, I recommend choosing 5-8 content pillars, or topics, that you will consistently write about.

While writing about the same topics may feel a little boring to you, it works to position you as an expert and build credibility.

Subscribers will also get what they thought they signed up for and will be more likely to stay on your list.

RELATED: How to create an effective content marketing strategy

6. Create email list segments

Sometimes you may have more than one audience type.

For example, this is common in industries such as recruitment (where you have clients and candidates), or real estate (where you have both buyers and sellers), or interior design (where you may have clients, suppliers, and builders).

As such, you’ll want to strategically segment your list so that you can send targeted communications to each group of subscribers.

When you send targeted communications, you’ll be more relevant and see better responses and results from those whom you’re communicating with.

7. Tag subscriber behaviours

When you send out emails to your list, you’ll include links with a call to action, asking your subscribers to take the next step.

And when using an email autoresponder, you can tag subscribers when they open your emails or when they click on certain links.

This tagging capability will enable you to trigger specific email sequences or send targeted content based on whatever link they clicked.

Tagging is also quite helpful when you’re sending out sales emails as you can use the tags to determine which people on your list are your warmest leads.

8. Personalise your communication

Email marketing is a personalised form of communication, so using someone’s first name when communicating is essential.

It makes it feel as though you are writing to just that one person and not sending out a random email to everyone on your list.

I also recommend avoiding words like hey everyone, or I hope you all have a great day.

It makes it sound like you are communicating with a group of people, not just the one who is receiving your communications.

9. Stick to one topic only

Please don’t ask people to do too many things in your emails, as it can become overwhelming.

And when people are overwhelmed, they tend not to take action.

So, to get a better click-through response, stick to just one topic in each email you send.

If you have multiple messages that you need to communicate, consider how you could break this down into numerous emails sent out over a few days.

Or, you can link people from your email to another step with more detail and information.

Not sure where to start when it comes to marketing your service-based small business? That’s where I can help. Get started by downloading my free Ultimate Marketing Checklist by clicking the button below: 

10. Add links back to your website

Sending people back to your website is an excellent strategy for generating more leads.

This strategy works because your booking page or enquiry form is likely on your website.

So, the more visitors you can strategically send back to your site, the better your chances of generating a sales enquiry.

Also, if you have a Facebook tracking pixel on your website, you can capture their details to build up your custom audiences for retargeting activities.

11. Write enticing subject lines

When developing an effective email marketing strategy, you’ll need to pay close attention to your email subject lines.

This element alone can make a massive difference to the number of people who open and read your emails.

When developing an effective email marketing strategy, you’ll need to pay close attention to your email subject lines. This element alone can make a massive difference to the number of people who actually open and then read your… Share on X

Sending someone an email is not enough these days as you’re competing against all the other mail that is also sitting in their inbox.

So, your email needs to stand out and capture attention, and your subject line will help you do this.

12. Ensure the copy is easy to scan

Many people read their emails on their phones these days, and instead of reading it, they will often scan the content.

Therefore, you’ll need to break up large blocks of text with bold sub-headings and bullet points.

You can also add images or countdown timers which break up the text.

Ensure that your copy is formatted in HTML text and not embedded in an image, as many email apps don’t download pictures automatically (meaning your email copy may not be seen).

13. Add an email signature

Adding an email signature helps to achieve two things.

Firstly, you will remind your subscribers who you are and what you do.

And secondly, it’s another opportunity to promote your website link or message you’re trying to get out there.

Again, leading people back to your website is increasing the chance of you generating enquiries as that is where people can contact you.

14. Use a PS to capture people’s attention

Some people will quickly scan and skip to the bottom of an email.

So, be sure to use a postscript (PS) at the bottom of your email to catch their eye.

15. Analyse the data and metrics

Your email marketing metrics are important as they will help you measure your results.

And determine where you may need to adjust your email marketing strategy to improve performance.

If you’re using a tool like Convertkit or MailerLite, you’ll find these statistics in their Reports section.

The key metrics that you’ll want to track are your:

Email open rate % (how many people open your email)

Click-through rate % (how many people take action on your email)

Subscriber growth rate (how many subscribers are joining your list each week/month)

Unsubscribe rate % (how many people unsubscribe from your list)

If you want to improve your email open rate, you need to focus on the topics you’re writing about and the subject lines you’re using.

If you want to improve your click-through rates, then look at what call to action you’re using.

And finally, if you want to grow your list and reduce unsubscribes, then focus on creating relevant and engaging content that will make your followers want to hear from you.

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Hayley Robertson
Hayley Robertson
Want to attract new clients, make sales, and grow your business without the stress and overwhelm? That's where I can help! Join the My Client Strategy Academy. Or learn more about my Business Breakthrough and Find Your First Clients coaching programs. Before starting my business, I spent more than 15 years working for some of Australia's largest service-based organisations and hold a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) and a Bachelor of Management (Marketing). Learn more about me here.