How to grow your email list using Facebook - My Client Strategy

How to grow your email list using Facebook

grow your email list

Are you looking for fast and straightforward ways for how to grow your email list using Facebook?

Check out these seven practical Facebook marketing strategies and tips:

1. Create a Facebook page cover image to promote your lead magnet

Promoting a lead magnet is one of the best ways to grow your email list.

(If you’re not sure what a lead magnet is, then visit this blog where I explain what it is and how to create one that works).

To give your lead magnet prominence, use the promotional cover image space at the top of your Facebook page.

It’s easy to create a Facebook page cover image in Canva – they even give you free templates to use, so it looks professionally designed!

In addition to creating a page cover image, be sure to also update the button on your Facebook page, so that it links through to your lead magnet landing page.

Once you’ve updated the cover image, there’s one more tip I have for you!

Click on the cover image once it’s uploaded so that the description shows on the right-hand side (as per the image below).

Now edit the description to add in a call to action (something like download my free guide here) and add the link to your lead magnet landing page.

That way, when your updated cover page image appears in your Facebook feed, people will also be able to see the link and click through to join your email list.

how to grow your email list using facebook

2. Post a promotional graphic featuring your lead magnet

While you’re creating a new cover image to promote your lead magnet in Canva, also spend a few moments to create a promotional graphic.

Posting a promotional graphic is another excellent way for how to grow your email list using Facebook.

Write a caption to go along with the promotional graphic, which speaks to a pain point that your target market has. Then highlight how your lead magnet will help them to solve this pain point.

It’s a good idea to test a few different captions and graphics to see what works best for your audience.

If you discover a post that performs better than the others, consider using this for an ad campaign to collect leads (which I mention as a marketing activity later in this post).

Not sure where to start when it comes to marketing your service-based small business? That’s where I can help. Get started by downloading my free Ultimate Marketing Checklist by clicking the button below: 

3. Include links in the About section on your Facebook page

While the About section on your Facebook page is a place to write a story about your business, you can also use it to help you grow your email list.

One option is to include a call to action at the end of your About story where you ask people to join your email list.

Also, you could add a paragraph to promote your lead magnet within this section and include a link to your lead magnet landing page.

To see an example of how I promote my lead magnet via my ‘About’ section, visit the My Client Strategy Facebook Page.

4. Write a Facebook post asking people to join your email list

This marketing activity is like number 2 above; however, instead of promoting your lead magnet, write a post that invites people to join your email list directly.

Perhaps you could mention that you provide advance notice or give exclusive offers to your email list subscribers so that there is an incentive for them to join.

Whatever approach you take, remember to mention the benefits or value that your community will receive if they join the email list.

RELATED: How to build an email list when you’re first starting out

5. Join Facebook groups that your target market belongs to and be helpful

This tactic to grow your email list can be beneficial, but it can also be a big time-trap, so beware!

The first step is to identify and join Facebook groups, where you know that your target market is also members.

(It’s essential that you focus on finding your target market, and don’t get caught joining Facebook groups that are full of your peers).

You may find that some groups are of more value than others, so test several groups until you find the ones that are most likely to benefit your business.

If you find that the groups you’ve joined are just full of promotions or are not a good fit for your business, then I encourage you to leave them immediately!

As I said above, this tactic can be very time-consuming, so you want to ensure you are only spending time in groups of value.

Once you’re a group member keep an eye out for common questions that people ask and be helpful where you can by answering questions without expecting anything in return.

People will find your response more valuable if it truly is helpful and not just a sales pitch.

If your answer stands out, then people will likely click on your profile to see what you do.

As such, it’s so crucial that you have your business name and page listed in your work information section on your personal profile.

When you have this work information listed, people can click through and start following your page or will visit your website where you can encourage them to join your email list.

From time to time, you may also find that there are opportunities to share your blog articles or lead magnets with the group, which is a great way to grow your email list using Facebook.

Importantly, make sure you know and follow the group rules so that you don’t spam the group or private messaging people when it’s not allowed.

6. Run an advertising campaign on Facebook

Setting up an ad campaign is one of the fastest ways to grow your email list using Facebook.

The other benefit of using a Facebook ad campaign to grow your email list is that you can directly target your ideal clients and grow your email list with the right people.

As you would be aware, there’s no point in having a massive email list if it contains the wrong people!

There are a few options that you can use when it comes to running Facebook ads to grow your email list.

If you have the Facebook Pixel set up on your website, then you can run a conversions campaign that measures which of your ads ends up with people signing up to your email list.

A conversions campaign means that you measure your ad performance more effectively as you won’t just be relying on the metric of how many people clicked through on your ad.

You’re actually measuring how many of those people ended up giving you their email address.

Alternatively, you could run a leads campaign on Facebook that collects email addresses on a landing page on Facebook.

When it comes to deciding which type of campaign to use for your lead generation on Facebook, consider testing both conversion and lead ads.

Generally, it’s thought that you will generate more volume with a leads campaign. However, you’ll deliver a higher quality of lead with a conversions campaign.

However, unless you test both, you won’t know what work’s best for your business.

Not sure where to start when it comes to marketing your service-based small business? That’s where I can help. Get started by downloading my free Ultimate Marketing Checklist by clicking the button below: 

7. Promote blogs on Facebook that include content upgrades

This final tactic for how to grow your email list using Facebook involves promoting your blog articles on Facebook.

Importantly though, blog articles that encourage people to visit your site and opt-in to a lead magnet which you are using as a content upgrade.

There are various ways to promote your blog articles, including:

  • Posting the link to your blog in the Facebook post
  • Dropping a link to a relevant blog post in a Facebook group when answering a query
  • Creating a promotional graphic with your blog title on it and including a link in the caption

Be sure to promote your blogs on rotation and re-share your older blog content every 8 – 12 weeks or so (if it’s evergreen content or still relevant).

RELATED: 15 Blog post ideas for your service-based business

An alternative to embedding your lead magnet within your blog post is to promote your lead magnet using website pop-up technology.

When someone visits your website from Facebook, they’ll see the pop-up, and you’ll convert a percentage of these to email list subscribers.

So, there you have it — seven practical and easy-to-implement ways for how to grow your email list using Facebook.

However, before you go… I have one more tip for you:

Be sure to track the website traffic that’s coming from Facebook, so you’ll know what’s working!

If you have your Google Analytics tracking code installed, you’ll be able to see what traffic is coming to your website from Facebook.

This information is essential as it will give you insight into what content is popular and driving traffic to your website to help you grow your email list.

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Hayley Robertson
Hayley Robertson
Want to attract new clients, make sales, and grow your business without the stress and overwhelm? That's where I can help! Join the My Client Strategy Academy. Or learn more about my Business Breakthrough and Find Your First Clients coaching programs. Before starting my business, I spent more than 15 years working for some of Australia's largest service-based organisations and hold a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) and a Bachelor of Management (Marketing). Learn more about me here.