15 Blog post ideas for your service-based small business

15 Blog post ideas for your service-based small business

blog post ideas

Do you struggle to come up with blog post ideas for your service-based small business?

Or worry that your audience won’t find your business blog writing interesting or engaging?

Maybe you’re just not sure how to write a great blog post?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then this list of 15 blog post ideas for your service-based small business will help.

15 Blog post ideas for your service based small business

Below you’ll find the most common types of business blog ideas and examples you can use for the titles to encourage higher click-throughs.

So, the next time you’re wondering what to write about, why not consider one of these blog post ideas:

1. Explain the importance of doing something

Think about the topics within your niche that you believe are essential for your client’s success.

Write about why they are important. As well as the benefits or outcomes your client receive if they focus in this area.

The title for this type of blog post may be something like: Why it’s important to… Or, The importance of… Or, 5 Reasons why XYZ is important.

2. Provide a definition for jargon or terminology in your industry

While we have a good handle on the terminology and jargon used in our niche, sometimes our clients don’t.

It’s especially true for those who are just starting or who are new to your niche.

Reflect on the questions your past clients have asked you.

Are there any terms that your clients have repeatedly asked you to explain?

A title for this type of post would be: What is a… Or, How to define your…

You could even combine the two blog post ideas above into one: What is XYZ and why it’s important.

3. Highlight the benefits of your services

The objective of this type of blog post is to educate your potential client.

List or outline the benefits of your services to help them understand why they need to engage you.

The title for this type of blog post idea could be along the lines of: The powerful benefits of… Or, 5 Surprising benefits of…

RELATED: 15 Things you need to create an irresistible service offering

4. Numbered lists

You’ve probably seen so many business blog posts where the title starts with a number.

That’s because numbered lists are brilliant for capturing attention.

They evoke curiosity and encourage readers to click through.

There are several formats for numbered lists which include: 7 Ways to… 5 Reasons why… The top 10… 8 Ideas to help you…

A numbered list blog post is brilliant for capturing attention. It evokes curiosity and encourages readers to click through. #blogpostideas #blogging Share on X

5. Outline ‘how to’ instructions

These types of blogs are great for demonstrating your expertise and building authority.

However, they become most relevant when you write a ‘how to’ post that also provides a solution.

For example, here’s a blog post I wrote on How to write a marketing plan for a service-based business.

What’s the biggest challenge or struggle that your client is facing?

Think about how you could write a step-by-step solution for how to solve it.

It’s also quite common for people to type or speak a ‘how to’ question into the Google search.

So, these types of posts are also great for search engine optimisation (SEO).

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6. Your favourite tools or resources

People search for tools and resources online because they’re looking to save time or they want reassurance about where to spend their money.

So, sharing this helpful information is an incredibly easy way to provide value and start building a relationship with your audience.

We all love it when someone takes the time to help us.

Compile a list of tools or resources that you think your potential clients would find helpful.

I recommend expanding on your resource list further by explaining the benefits of each one.

Your list could be the online software programs you use, the blogs or articles you subscribe to, or the books you’ve read lately to provide examples.

RELATED: 30 Marketing tools every service-based business should know about

7. A personal story

Building trust with your readers is super important if you want them to work with you.

One way to do this is to share your personal story through a blog post.

Your blog posts could be about the challenges you faced when starting your business or your business journey to date.

Or, you could write a business blog post to describe a client success story that you were a part of.

8. What you’ve learned about…

This type of business blog idea is another example of how you can showcase your expertise and build authority in your niche.

Also, to help your potential clients avoid the costly mistakes you’ve made in the past.

As an example, share stories about the mistakes you’ve made (and what you should do instead).

Alternatively, share what you learned at a recent conference or what you’ve learned since starting your business.

As an example, check out my blog post here – 15 Lessons from quitting corporate life and starting a business

If you are a coach or consultant, it’s important to be engaged in continuous education.

So, this type of blog is a great way to show you’re implementing the latest ideas and techniques in your business.

9. An analysis and comparison

Another way to add value to your community is to do the research, analysis, heavy-lifting for them.

You may have recently decided to purchase a new system or tool for your business.

Write about your findings and why you decided to go the way you did.

The title for this type of blog is often written as: [This] vs. [That] – Which is better?

10. Strategies and tips

Again, another way to add value and showcase your expertise.

You can choose to share your latest strategies and tips.

Alternatively, you could interview well-known authorities in your niche to get their top tips for XYZ.

A compilation of tips from the ‘experts’ is a popular blog post idea.

This is because you could significantly increase the reach of your blog post if the experts you feature also share it with their audiences.

Titles for these types of blog posts include: 5 Expert tips for… Or, The best strategies for…

Not sure where to start when it comes to marketing your service-based business? And what you need to do to attract your ideal clients? The Ultimate Marketing Checklist makes it easier for you. Plus, it’s free to download:

11. A summary of the best (including you!)

Often this type of blog post idea is written in the format of a numbered list and contains a listing belonging to the author.

For example, if you had a Facebook Group you were trying to grow, you could write a post about the 5 Best Facebook Groups to join for XYZ.

And… you guessed it – include your Facebook Group in that list.

I’ve also seen this idea used for blogs, podcasts, and books.

It’s common to see the name of the target market in the title as well. For example: The 10 best podcasts for female entrepreneurs.

12. A process or routine

Think about the day-to-day activities your client would be undertaking.

Then consider how you could provide guidance and advice on how to do these more efficiently or effectively.

Outlining a process or routine is another great way to add value and give back to your community.

This helpful step-by-step guidance will save them a considerable amount of time or significantly improve their results.

The title for such a blog post could be: The morning routine I use to ensure a productive day; Or, The process I always follow to ensure my blog posts are SEO-friendly.

Outlining a process or routine is another great way to add value and give back to your community. Giving step-by-step guidance could save them a considerable amount of time or significantly improve their results. #blogging Share on X

13. Seasonal or topical information

Blog posts that are seasonal in nature tend to perform quite well on Pinterest.

They also see increased traffic at peak times via the search engines.

(If we’re not yet connected on Pinterest, you can find me here).

Are there times in your service-based business when your demand peaks?

Consider publishing blog articles in the lead up to these times to capture this interest.

In addition to seasonal, there may also be certain topics in your niche that start to attract a lot of social media comments.

Keep an eye out for these ‘hot topics’ and where possible write an article that shares your view on the topic.

If the topic is trending on social media, your blog post may receive a lot more shares than it otherwise would normally.

14. An interview

If you want to mix your blog post topics up a bit, consider interviewing a past client about your services.

Alternatively, interview an expert about a topic that you feel your audience would find valuable.

Think about what questions your target market would have and incorporate these into your blog post.

Title examples for this type of blog post include: 5 Questions you should ask before… Or, An expert interview with XYZ about…

15. A handy checklist

There’s something about a checklist that people find irresistible.

A useful checklist helps us to untangle our thoughts, set us on the right path, and save us time by having a roadmap to follow.

Increase your click-through rate by also including sales trigger words in the title and who the checklist is for — for example, The Ultimate Marketing Checklist for Service-Based Businesses.

With this list, you’ll never be stuck for blog post ideas again.

Which type of blog are you going to write next? Please share with us in the comments below.

Want to make sure your blog posts are SEO-friendly?
Check out my blog: How to choose the right keywords for your target market for tips.

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Hayley Robertson
Hayley Robertson
Want to attract new clients, make sales, and grow your business without the stress and overwhelm? That's where I can help! Join the My Client Strategy Academy. Or learn more about my Business Breakthrough and Find Your First Clients coaching programs. Before starting my business, I spent more than 15 years working for some of Australia's largest service-based organisations and hold a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) and a Bachelor of Management (Marketing). Learn more about me here.