15 Types of content marketing you can use to stand out online

15 Types of content marketing you can use to stand out online

types of content marketing for small businesses

Do you find yourself coming to a complete standstill when trying to work out what types of content marketing to create for social media?

Alternatively, do you feel like you’re creating endless amounts of content, but don’t feel like you’re standing out online?

Maybe you’re hearing crickets each time you post?

Well, you’re not alone.

I think nearly all small business owners struggle with what types of content marketing they should create at some point.

types of content marketing

In the blog post below, I outline 15 types of content marketing you can use to stand out online.

The first nine types of content on the list are the core content (or evergreen content) that you can create.

It’s relevant over a long period and creating this type of content marketing can bring ongoing benefits to your business.

The remainder of the list includes the type of promotional content marketing you can create to stand out online.

Your promotional content is likely to have a bit more urgency or timeliness to it.

It could be content that is seasonal or only relevant for a shorter period.

Alternatively, it could be content that you create to promote your core content and extend its reach.

Not sure where to start when it comes to marketing your service-based small business? That’s where I can help. Get started by downloading my free Ultimate Marketing Checklist by clicking the button below: 

When it comes to creating your online content, it’s essential to have a mix of both types of content in your marketing calendar – core and promotional content.

This strategic approach will ensure you’re communicating your core message, while at the same time leveraging the available promotional opportunities.

By including your core content in your content marketing strategy, you’re also giving your followers an excellent reason to follow you online.

Core (or evergreen) content you can create:

1. Blogs

If you enjoy writing, and you’re good at it, then producing a blog is a no brainer.

It’s a great way to demonstrate your expertise, as well as build your authority.

To optimise your site for the search engines and stand out online in the Google rankings, be sure to structure your blogs around 5 – 8 categories.

This type of structure creates SEO keyword clusters (which is excellent for boosting your ranking) and will also help your readers to understand and identify what your specialist area is.

I would also recommend spending some time to craft an excellent headline for each of your blog posts.

Your headline is one of the most important parts as it can be the difference between someone clicking on your post to read it, or not!

RELATED: How to start a blog for your service-based business

RELATED: How to write a great blog post: A small business guide

2. Video series

Video production is a great option for those who don’t enjoy writing or who aren’t very good at getting words down onto a page.

It’s also a great way to stand out on social media as the platforms have a higher propensity to show video content over images and text-only posts.

You’re also likely to build a faster relationship with your audience via video as they can hear and see you speak.

This is important because building relationships is an essential part of the sales journey.

If you want to create a video series, I would recommend keeping it simple when you first start.

You don’t need to have fancy video editing and software – a Facebook live in your group will do!

Keep in mind that a video is also a great option if you create instructional information where it can sometimes be better to show someone how to do something, rather than to explain it.

3. Webinar

Just as a video series is excellent at building faster relationships, so too are webinars.

Also, by creating an event you can put out a different types of content marketing messages to stand out online.

Webinars help you to showcase your expertise and build your credibility, as they enable you to distribute information and teach others.

You can choose to present webinars live (which I recommend), or you can pre-record a webinar.

If you choose a live webinar option, then you can also record it and turn it into an evergreen online training.

A quick way to produce a webinar is to take the presentation slides from an offline workshop or presentation that you have given and present them online.

Not sure where to start when it comes to marketing your service-based small business? That’s where I can help. Get started by downloading my free Ultimate Marketing Checklist by clicking the button below: 

4. Podcast

Podcasts have become very popular as they are easy to listen to when you’re on the go.

It’s also a great format for interviewing people and gaining broad insights.

One of the benefits of a podcast is that the content can be much quicker to record and edit than writing a traditional blog post.

However, before you launch a podcast, ensure both your content and your audience are suited to this content marketing format.

People often listen to podcasts while they are moving around, so keep in mind that it may be challenging to take notes if that’s what’s required when listening to your podcast.

5. Social media posts

When someone is considering working with you, it’s quite common for them to research you by reviewing the content on your Instagram profile or Facebook business page.

Therefore, it’s essential to have some evergreen social media posts on your Facebook and Instagram business pages.

One way to think about your evergreen social media posts is to imagine them as a short-form blog post.

It might be a quick tip of 200-300 words or information about a resource or tool that could help your potential clients.

Alternatively, personal stories about why you started your business are fantastic for cutting through all the noise on social media.

6. Lead magnets

Lead magnets are a type of content marketing as they share information or educational content with your target market.

They also give you another chance to showcase your knowledge and expertise, which helps to build authority and credibility.

Most lead magnets contain evergreen content, but they don’t necessarily have to.

RELATED: What is a lead magnet? (And how to create one that’s effective).

One of the benefits of creating an evergreen lead magnet is that you don’t have to keep updating it (costing you precious time).

Some popular formats for lead magnets include checklists, guides, worksheets, templates, case studies, and process maps.

When creating a lead magnet for a service-based business, I highly recommend starting with a simple checklist for your target audience.

When creating a lead magnet for a service-based business, I highly recommend starting with a simple checklist for your target audience. #leadmagnet #smallbusinessmarketing Share on X

7. Case studies

As mentioned above, case studies can make a great lead magnet.

However, it’s not just limited to your lead magnet.

You could also publish a case study on your blog or social media, as well as provide case studies within webinars or podcasts.

RELATED: How to create content for your website to generate leads

One of the main reasons why case studies make such a great piece of content marketing is because it demonstrates and explains to potential clients how you can solve their problems.

Get the permission of your past client before writing a case study and be sure to thank them in some way for agreeing to let you use their results in your content marketing activities.

Not sure where to start when it comes to marketing your service-based small business? That’s where I can help. Get started by downloading my free Ultimate Marketing Checklist by clicking the button below: 

8. Email marketing

Writing a newsletter or sending a regular email to your list is a type of content marketing.

I find email marketing quite useful for cutting through to my followers and standing out as it can be a very personal way to communicate.

Often, you can re-purpose another piece of content and use this to communicate with your email list subscribers.

An example of re-purposing is creating an email using the content from one of your new blog posts.

To streamline your content creation process, take the first few lines of your blog, and use these in your email to introduce your blog.

9. Infographics

Infographics are a bright and fun way to present information to your target market and a great addition to your content marketing strategy.

They’re also regularly picked up by other businesses and shared with their audiences as well, which is fantastic as it extends the reach of your content.

For this reason, be sure to brand your infographic, so that if it is shared, you get the credit.

Promotional content you can create:

10. Quote graphics

Sharing motivational or inspirational quotes on social media is a great way to create engagement with your audience.

Quote graphics are also shared regularly, so again remember to add your business branding.

If you’re looking for a tool to design professional-looking graphics, then you can’t go past the free marketing tool, Canva.

If you are quoting someone else, then also be sure that you include a credit to the person who said it first – it’s just proper online etiquette!

11. Tip graphics

If you have a goal to educate your audience, then creating tip graphics are a quick and easy way to create content for social media.

One of the fastest ways to create these types of content marketing is to use a brand template and to batch-create your content marketing.

By this, I mean finding ten tips and then creating ten graphics and captions all in one sitting. (It is so much faster to create your content this way).

Again, Canva is an excellent tool for designing these types of graphics.

12. Photos / Images

Publishing high-quality photos and images on your website, social media pages, and other marketing materials is a great way to stand out online.

Note, I said ‘high-quality’ images, so be sure to invest here!

If you don’t have access to photos, then check out stock photography sites and use those that are reflective of your brand.

I recommend having at least one great headshot of yourself and using this as much as you can in your content marketing to increase your brand awareness and visibility.

Also, it’s especially important to have a photo of yourself on your website “About” page.

People like to see and know whom they are working with, so don’t be shy and hideaway!

13. Testimonials

There’s no better way to build your personal brand and credibility than with a glowing testimonial.

You can ask your clients to write you a testimonial or to leave a review on your social media platforms.

Alternatively, it can be much more powerful to have your clients provide you with a video testimonial that you can place on the sales pages of your website.

Video testimonials could also be added to your social media stories or pages to stand out online.

RELATED: How to use client testimonials in your content marketing strategy

14. Pinterest pins

If your target market is women aged 25 – 55, then you may want to consider promoting your business on Pinterest.

Every time that you create a blog, then design a Pinterest Pin to promote it.

Add the Pinterest Pin to your blog post as an image, so that visitors to your site can Pin it to their Pinterest boards.

To encourage more social media shares, and to make it easier for your website visitors, add social sharing buttons to your website.

Do you have a Pinterest profile? If yes, then I’d love to connect with you on Pinterest here.

Not sure where to start when it comes to marketing your service-based small business? That’s where I can help. Get started by downloading my free Ultimate Marketing Checklist by clicking the button below: 

15. Keyword graphics

This type of content marketing is another social media graphic that you can create.

Because people are scrolling on their phones when on social media, a one-word graphic can stand out quite well.

Choose keywords that will resonate with your target market and then write a caption giving a tip or story about it.

It may also be a keyword that you chose for one of your blog posts, which would provide an excellent way for you to link it back to your website.

So, there you have it. 15 Types of content marketing that you can use to stand out online.

As a reminder, when creating your content marketing strategy, be sure to develop both core content and promotional content.

Your core content gives people a reason to want to follow you, while your promotional content will help you promote your business and extend the reach of your core content, which takes longer to produce.

Want more content marketing tips?

Check out my blog: How to create an effective content marketing strategy

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Hayley Robertson
Hayley Robertson
Want to attract new clients, make sales, and grow your business without the stress and overwhelm? That's where I can help! Join the My Client Strategy Academy. Or learn more about my Business Breakthrough and Find Your First Clients coaching programs. Before starting my business, I spent more than 15 years working for some of Australia's largest service-based organisations and hold a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) and a Bachelor of Management (Marketing). Learn more about me here.